Junior Guinea Pig
Hi all, I am looking for some advice as I just don't know what to do for best. I had four females in a 150 by 70cm. I stupidly fell in love with a baby pig at the pet store and brought her home. Now I had a 120 by 60 so thought I would make a pair and a trio. This is where it has gone wrong. I have one pig, Bella, who is just not happy at all. She was with my oldest pig Nym,as I new she was my most dominant pig and I did not want to risk her with the baby, or with Myka or Penny. Was going ok as I let them herd as a fivesome, but there would be rumbling and chattering after the food ran out. I started to worry that Bella was bullying Nym as she is five now, she wouldn't let her into the hidey hut and was really just ignoring her. So I made a decision to try Penny, a very sweet and well behaved pig, with Bella, in the hope that if Bella could be dominant pig they would both be happy. That lasted three hours and I had to remove Penny, I heard her scream, she wasn't injured but was very distressed. So I went back to the original set up. Then a week ago I went to give night feed, and Nym had been bitten. So I have a four and a one. I feel awful keeping Bella alone as she just stares through the bars at the others, but I am scared she hurts someone. Any suggestions or advice appreciated, or may she just have to stay alone and share floor time. Thanks in advance and sorry for War & Peace.