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Hendricks Neutering Thread

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Adult Guinea Pig
Mar 6, 2011
Reaction score
Nottingham, UK
Hendricks was neutered today. It's safe to say it was the most nerve wracking day! I kept praying the phone wouldn't ring at work because they said no news was good news.

He manage the anesthetic fine and she said he came round incredibly quickly. He had eaten and pooped at the vets before he came home so they were really happy!

He's home now and I can honestly say it's like nothing has happened. He's behaving completely normal! He's eating his hay and passing urine and pooping fine :)

When can I begin to feel more settled? I know these are good signs but I still keep telling myself not to get too relaxed about it yet.

Has anyone had experiences with neutering? If so how were your piggies when they were done?
I can't offer any advice as I've only adopted several weeks post neuter. However, I just wanted to say how pleased I am that all went well. Lucky chap can look forward to a life with his ladies.
I had my boar Elvis neutered about 6 months ago. He was about 12 months old &in good health.

He came round from the anaesthetic quickly as well and was eating and drinking if somewhat less than normal.

That night he pretty much kept to himself and was fairly quiet and feeling sorry for himself however by the next morning he was back to his old self.

He managed to make a bit of the wound bleed a couple of days later so I took him back to my vet before the week check up was due. The vet said it was nothing to worry about as the wound was clean and healing really well.

The stitches put in were the ones that dissolve by themselves so we did not need to go back and he happily lives with his sows now.

My advice is keep watch that he is acting normally and that the wound is healing well and if in doubt take him back for a check up as soon as possible.
I find it funny that your guinea pig is called Hendricks because that is VERY close to my last name :shh: :xd:
Sorry, I just had to put that out there ~ :btt: ~ Sounds like everything is going fine! When I got Sparkles neutered there were absolutely no problems at all! It can depend how much experience your vet has had. Ours claimed to have done one cavy per week for the last few years with only a couple of problems. ;)
Thanks for the replies :)

He's going back to the vets this morning for a check up. He came home with pain relief and an antibiotic so that's good. His wound is glued so there's no stitches.
Glad he's ok, where did you take him @ayemee ? I'm trying to find someone to sort Cocoa out who may have ovarian cysts but it's a bit like banging your head off a brick wall. The vet can scan him but Jessica said she's having problems getting the hormone injections, I don't think Cocoa is big enough to get through an op either.. *sigh*
Glad he's ok, where did you take him @ayemee ? I'm trying to find someone to sort Cocoa out who may have ovarian cysts but it's a bit like banging your head off a brick wall. The vet can scan him but Jessica said she's having problems getting the hormone injections, I don't think Cocoa is big enough to get through an op either.. *sigh*

I took him to Jessica :) she did the operation. I'm sat here in the car park at the moment waiting for them to open at 9 so he can be checked over before I go to work :)

Oh no :( I really hope they can think of something for Cocoa! x
Thanks @ayemee :)

I would consider having her spayed if she was bigger. I could put her in with Cesaro then lol, but she'd only weighs around 884g and I've no idea how old she is. Just called Davidson's to see if they can help, they are going to get back to me about it, but we might just take her to The Vet to see Jessica for a scan and go from there.
Thanks @ayemee :)

I would consider having her spayed if she was bigger. I could put her in with Cesaro then lol, but she'd only weighs around 884g and I've no idea how old she is. Just called Davidson's to see if they can help, they are going to get back to me about it, but we might just take her to The Vet to see Jessica for a scan and go from there.

Fingers firmly crossed. I'm so impressed with Jessica. He's just been checked over. There's no pain, the wounds are looking so lovely and neat and no inflammation at all! I couldn't be happier! :)
Wow that's brilliant :) Our guinea's really only see Jessica when they go there, she even spoke to an exotics vet in Alfreton regards to Jericho. Storm went to see her the other day, the poor lad is full of gas, she thinks it's probably when he went on a chomping spree and was trying to eat everythng in his cage!
Wow that's brilliant :) Our guinea's really only see Jessica when they go there, she even spoke to an exotics vet in Alfreton regards to Jericho. Storm went to see her the other day, the poor lad is full of gas, she thinks it's probably when he went on a chomping spree and was trying to eat everythng in his cage!

That's what I love about Jess. She will admit if she's not sure on something and seek out advice.

Aww bless him!
Sounds like everything is going well @ayemee - which is fantastic news.

I'm afraid I had a negative experience of neutering but I suspect this was because of the vet I went to . It's taken me a long time to find a vet I am happy with - but at least I have now .
Yeah, she tried to see if she could get the hormone injections for Cocoa but said she's been having problems. So I'm going to ask the other vets if Jessica can possibly scan her and pass the results onto the other vet who can do the injections (she's checking if she can get them in stock first with Jessica saying she was having problems). Will see what happens when she finds out on Monday (the other vet that is).
Thought id update on Hendricks. He's doing well. Although he did develop an abscess 3 weeks after his op. He has been treated for that and he's recovering really well! Still his cheeky self. He's currently on my lap having some cuddles.

A picture waiting for his Meds the other night.

He looks wonderful. Am sorry he got an abscess, but glad he is responding ok. Is he on Zithromax?
Aww good to hear, I was just wondering about him the other day and was going to message you!
He looks wonderful. Am sorry he got an abscess, but glad he is responding ok. Is he on Zithromax?

No he isn't :/ All of his swelling has gone down now and he's normal in himself. He's going back for a check up on Wednesday.

Aww good to hear, I was just wondering about him the other day and was going to message you!

Aww yeah he's doing well :) he's just been asleep on my lap. He is 6 weeks post op next weekend so I'll start to think about introducing him to the girls. :)
No he isn't :/ All of his swelling has gone down now and he's normal in himself. He's going back for a check up on Wednesday.

Aww yeah he's doing well :) he's just been asleep on my lap. He is 6 weeks post op next weekend so I'll start to think about introducing him to the girls. :)
Ooo exciting, can't wait to see him with a girlfriend! :p
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