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Adult Guinea Pig
Mar 17, 2011
Reaction score
My two new boys, flinn and winston, were teeth chattering VERY loud when i came downstairs this morning. I observed and I swear one was hissing! Then winston (who is 9 weeks) flew through the air at flinn, who is 1 year old, and i tried to grab winston and he was bouncing round like a ping pong ball and going loopy! But he was proper lunging and going for flinn so I took winston out and put him in the pet carrier for a time out, gave flinn a cuddle and left it for a bit. I put them back, bit of teeth chattering but all ok.

The thing is i've got to go to work, in fact I should have been there half an hour ago, until 5pm, do I take winston out for the day and keep them seperated until I can try introducing them later? I'm worried a lot could happen whilst I'm gone....:{
If something bad happened I wouldn't know and it'd be all my fault....
Never seen a pig fly through the air after another in 20 years of keeping pigs so it freaked me out. But now they're happily munching from the same hay rack!?

Ok so i decided to seperate and put winston, as he's the smaller of the two, in the pet carrier for the day with a bed, food, water etc. Claire came round with a spare cage (much appreciated!) and we tried again and found that it isn't winston causing the issue. Flinn seems stressed for no aparent reason as soon as winston gets close and it's HIM starting the severe chattering and winston is just defending himself by copying the behaviour. Flinn backs himself into a corner and chatters away and winston carries on eating but they both start if they come too close and thats when winston starts jumping. Ideas anyone?!? :...
I would say they don't like each other. Maybe try a bath together but I wouldn't hold my hopes to high for them to make up.
Me too unfortunately. Its so odd as they have literally gone from loving each other to hating each other overnight :(
This kind of thing is going to happen between boars as they try to work out who is dominant and who submissive. Once blood has been drawn it's pretty much unworkable :( I went through the same with our two and eventually we had to separate them.

You could try a bonding bath and see how that works as suggested by Flintstones and make sure they have nothing to fight over (two of everything - absolutely everything).

Best of luck - if you want to PM me if anyhting changes, we;ve been through a lot with our boys so I might be able to help.
mine did the same and I had to seperate them. Luigi got a really nasty wound and it got infected
Thanks, I might try the bathing thing. They haven't bitten each other yet, its just a worry that they will :(
ok, tried rebonding and i think we have some success! They have been living seperately since Tuesday and today I put them on the living room floor with my trixie run grids in a straight line between them. They were very excited to see each other, both wheeking a lot. After about half an hour i removed the grids and they played great for a while. Then they calmed down and hid under a chair and sat cuddled up. Some loud teeth chattering and rearing once or twice that quickly subsided, after which they spent the rest of the afternoon, like 5 hours grooming each other and snuggling. Weird! So I have returned them to the same cage tonight. I heard some teeth chattering once but other than that it seems ok, they're going about their business ok and sharing a bed. I have given them two of everything. Opinions?
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