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Sep 22, 2010
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Please can you tell me if I am doing this wrong!
I have had teo gorgeous guineas for nearly a year now. I have noticed when they are out of their cage and running around they love to sit on soft blankets etc. I have been putting one side of their hutch hay and the other wood chippings. They are inside as I dont want them to get too cold, but it makes such a mess. I have just been reading your posts on fleece blankets etc and wondered if that would be better? Do I just do away with the hay and chipping with maybe a bowl of hay for them to munch , and cover the whole bottom of cage in a blanket? Do you them shove the blankets in your washing machine with regualr powder?.....and how often would i need to do this?
I've recently swapped from woodshavings to fleece. Lots of people use fleece and towels as a cheaper alternative to vetbed. I put a layer of towels on the floor of their cage and then a fleece over the top. I have to change my everyday, my boys drink quite a bit and this results in a lot of pee!

When cleaning out their cage I shake off all the hay and poos stuck to the fleece and towels. Then I just pop in the washing machine and wash as normal. You can also put newspaper under the towels to make it even more absorbent. How often you change the fleece and towels will depend on your particular pigs. Puppy pads also work.

Hope this helps. :)
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