Teenage Guinea Pig
well, Alfie is here, and he's a stunning little guy. he's been introduced in neutral territory with my girls, and they were fine for about an hour and a half. then my oldest girl, the previously dominant one, started acting weird. she keeps following Alfie around and he seems pretty terrified, making his 'go away' noise. he's strutted once aswell. i've been reading on cavyspirit whilst introducing, but i can't tell whether the 'intent to harm' is there, as Tiny lunged at Alfie, but didn't seriously try to bite him. i intervened out of pure terror by throwing a towel at them. Alfie is still in the box-house-hidey-hole that he was in, and Tiny is at the other end. they seem to be having a staring contest from across the cage at each other. now everything is deathly silent, and i'm not sure what i should do. my other two girls are fine, but Tiny is being so mardy...