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New Born Pup
Mar 8, 2025
Reaction score
Guntur, Andhra Pradesh,India
My guniea pig her name is coco it's 1 and half year she fine until night 9:00 she ate grapes and played for some time and at 12:00 i went to check it suddenly can able to walk her lower part is not working and she is twisting ,we are worried and used neurokind which is 6 units(this was recommended by my place vet when my other guniea pig is not feeling well) after sometime it's starts walk but their a little dent type feeling on her stomach and she walking but not eating what happened to her she is sitting she not using those two legs more can anyone suggest whats wrong with my coco I really need help i am worried 🙁
My guniea pig her name is coco it's 1 and half year she fine until night 9:00 she ate grapes and played for some time and at 12:00 i went to check it suddenly can able to walk her lower part is not working and she is twisting ,we are worried and used neurokind which is 6 units(this was recommended by my place vet when my other guniea pig is not feeling well) after sometime it's starts walk but their a little dent type feeling on her stomach and she walking but not eating what happened to her she is sitting she not using those two legs more can anyone suggest whats wrong with my coco I really need help i am worried 🙁


The twisting means that it is a sudden intense pain event of some kind which has caused the back leg paralysis but we cannot tell you what it is since even vets can usually only guess without any clear signs - in a piggy of mine with similar symptoms it ranged from sciatica to a blocked spinal blood vessel to a neurological event. Hopefully it is just a mystery one-off, like it was with my Ffraid who made a full recovery eventually.

Here is our guide for looking after guinea pigs with mobility issues with lots of practical information; it includes a chapter on possible causes as well as one back leg paralysis. You will hopefully find the guide very helpful.
Looking After Guinea Pigs With Limited or No Mobility

Please be aware that these kinds of intense pain events can cause GI stasis - the gut stopping to move, either partially or fully because of the pain radiating into it. With a bit of luck it is only temporary but you will still need to support your piggy if they are not eating in order to keep them going.

Here is our guide with care tips for GI stasis:
Digestive Disorders: Not Eating - Diarrhea - Bloat - GI Stasis (No Gut Movement)

This link here contains all the tips on how to improvise crucial and potentially life-saving feeding support in an emergency:
How to Improvise Feeding Support in an Emergency

Emergency and Crisis Care as well as Bridging Care until a Vet Appointment

Wishing you all the best for a good recovery over the coming days. Please be aware that it may take its time. We are here for any questions you may have and moral support in the coming days.

PS: Neurokind is a vitamin B12 supplement, if my googling is OK? I doubt that it will help in this case. Please see a vet as soon as you can. You may need a painkiller in a significant amount and - in case the gut has stopped moving - gut motility drugs.