New Born Pup
Hi I've have a Guinea pig called zack he is 4 years old and I have noticed his leg has been weird and one of his back legs is sticking out and he can't walk properly or stand up and he is lying down in his cage and he can't get up so he is pooing and weeing and he can't stand up so he Is laying in his own waste so hes all wet and he stinks I have bathed him yesterday and give his foot a salt bath as I've noticed a blister or some sore he Is not pooing properly and it's getting clogged my mother helped research and thought it could be impaction so we have helped squeezing his poop out as it is making his anal sack huge and is causing him pain we give him some cranberry juice dilated in water (don't worry its unsweetened and only put 2 tiny tea spoons so the water was barely pink) I don't know whats going on with him as our other piggy is fine and he is eating properly and drinking properly and eating hay and pellets perfectly fine we aren't rich and probably can't afford the vets so can someone please help I can insert some pictures if you want thanks