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Jul 6, 2007
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Hi All,

I went in the shed this morning to find Sunshine and Twinkle teeth chattering at one another. Twinkle was trying to get out of his cage to the girls! :tickedoff: I quickly removed the girls and put them in a Nero 3 in the living room I was taking no chances. I made sure the boys cage was all conncted and then gave them veggies. But this afternoon they were teeth chattering again, I think they are hormonal (they are 6 months old) and can smell the girls in the shed.

So what do I do? Cuzzy and the girls are in the living room, but the boys who have calmed down are in the shed. Should I bring them in and put them in Cuzzy's cage and put Cuzzy in a makeshift C&C in the hall until tomorrow when I can scrub the shed down and get rid of any smells.

The boys haven't gone for one another as yet but I am concerned that in the night it could turn nasty, however maybe moving them in would upset them further?


Can anyone help because Twinkle is still teeth chattering! Not sure if he is aiming it at Sunshine or myself! :(

Feeling pretty unsure at what to do!
Sorry I'm not sure what I'd do :-\

If you scrub the shed to make it not smell of the girls anymore, then put the girls back in there with the boys isn't that defeating the object a bit?
I'd say its probably hormones. Try bathing them and putting some vicks about, try and change the scent in the shed
No I'm not going to put the girls back, they are in a Nero 3 but I'm considering getting 2 Zooplus cages large enough for them. I just don't know whether to bring the boys in tonight as they are narked but they would have to go in Cuzzy's cage with Cuzzy going in a makeshift C&C until the morning.

I think maybe Twinkle is aiming agression at me, I've watched them through the window and they seem ok but when I enter he starts with the teeth chattering.

My instinct says leave them. I'm at home with 2 kids, 5 pigs and hubby at So it's been a bit of a manic day!

Thanks anyway, I'll figure it out when hubby comes home, he's had pigs before so he'll know what to do for the best.

Thanks Liz, I'll do that! In all the hullaballoo today I forgot about bathing them! :)
If its when you are present Twinkle might be trying to dominate for your attention, just a thought
Could be. I also think he has a cob on because I put him back in a cage instead of letting him roam the shed!

Him and Sunshine are really close so I do think he is narked at me! :)
Just to say all is ok now (fingers crossed)

Peter checked the boys and they were happy with him, so it's me they don't like at the mo! Hmm biting the hand that feeds them! 98)

Girls are fine, Cuzzy is fine and I'm getting 2 Zooplus Rabbit 140's and selling my C&C as soon as! Maybe I'm being hasty but I prefer for them to be concealed as they are in the shed and I don't have access to them 24/7 especially in the dark!

I'm shattered now, I don't want another day like today!

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