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Can anyone please give me advice? Our Guine Pig Peppa was unwell last week & we took him to the vets who gave him 2 jags of antibiotics and said it was a viral infection. We have took him out his cage tonight and he is covered in big brown hard lumps, they look like prunes on his skin. I am sitting here in tears and we are taking him to the vet first thing tomorrow but does anybody have any idea what this could be? i would be so grateful.
He's 1 huge one & i'm trying to upload a picture and about 3 other ones some of them are bleeding. He has been eating but he's in with the other pig so i'm not 100% sure how much.
Have they just appeared really suddenly? Where abouts on his body are they?

I've never heard of anything like it, but I'm sure some of the more experienced people on here have.
We have only noticed them tonight but when we have been picking him up he has been squeaking loud. I am trying to upload a picture of the worst lump but it is saying that upload is full help! the lumps are on his sides (the worst one), there is one appearing on his head.

You create an account, and upload piccies to there, then it gives you 3 boxes of text. Copy and paste the text in the box that says img: and paste it onto here.

Hope that helps.
That is the worst lump in the picture the others are bleeding like he has scratched them for ages but he couldn't really scratch where they are.
Send them to [email protected] ask her what she thinks it is. Chrissie has the Gorgeous Guineas site and is good with skin problems.
if he's scratching I'm thinking mites, the big one isn't unlike a sebaceous cyst that's burst.

Are the lumps coming up quickly? If you have Kamillosan, or Calendula cream put some on to ease the irritation for now. Is he particularly scurfy? He doesn't really look it. You say lumps, would pimples describe them better? Sorry, but trying to get an idea of size :)
The lump in the picture is like a hard prune and is pretty big the dark edging is the edge of the lump, he doesn't seem to be scratching and we have just moved him from his cage to another so he can get some peace and to prevent the other pig gettin it (although i'm prob too late for that if she's goin to catch anything she will have by now) and he is really eating loads. I don't have anything at all to put on him, all i have is mite spray and lavender groomin wipes that i dont really want to use beacuse i dont know what it is. I am terrified incase he has to be put to sleep.
:) Don't let anyone put him to sleep- he's yours and they need your signature before they can- put that out of your head. Probably not mites then. I can only think of a burst Sebaceous Cyst- has this suddenly appeared? How long have you had him?
Don't worry one of mine had an abscess the size of a golf ball appear overnight- if I hadn't seen it I would never have believed it. I think he'd be fine with his friend. What makes you think he needs peace? Does he seem distressed?
He's been squeaking very loud every so often. He has more than 1 lump so can it still be a cyst? I think it is mites now, can mites cause him to die? He is chasing the girl pig about his cage so i'm thining its best to seperate them just now.
Is he castrated?

Could still be a cyst, but usually there's one at a time.

How quickly has this appeared?

Look at Gorgeous Guineas for some ideas on mites/fungal. If its left untreated he could become very ill, yes.

How old is he?

How long have you had him? (roughly :) )
Antibiotics for a viral infection? ::) ::) ::)

Please don't panic. I'm sure everything will be fine. Whatever it is there is no need to have him destroyed, so stop thinking along those lines. Do keep us posted. :)
I've been to the vets and she said it is tumours that will hopefully go burst on their own. He has had a painkiller now we just have to wait a few days to see how he is then take him back probably to be put to sleep. I feel so sorry for him and so guilty for not picking up on this sooner.
Why would they put him to sleep? It that what the vet actually said?
((((( HUG ))))) hopefully someone will be on , who knows more about the medical side of things.
Maybe get a second opinion at a different vets?

antibiotics do NOT work against viral conditions. These look like some kind of abcesses, which are usually bacterial in origin. Can your vet take some biopsy samples to identify the strain of bacteria involved? There is quite a lot of resistance to the antibiotic Baytril nowadays, so you may need a different one. Hope this helps.
Oh love i'm so sorry, i would also get another opinion... no guinea needs to be pts for something like that :( :(
I see some of our lovely mods are on, i'm sure they'll be able to advise you O0
Paws crossed and sending healing wheeks to you :smitten: :smitten:
Do not pts.You need to find a gp savvy vet,not easy I know.Do you have a rescue in your area?,you could ask what vet they use.
If this is basal cell tumour they are benign and can be easily removed by a vet that is used to gps.

If the tumours burst they can become infected,they need to be removed now.

I think your top priority is to find another vet.

What area are you in?,someone may know of a good vet.There is also a list of good vets at the top of the forum(recommeded vets)

Watkins has just had 2 tumours very successfully removed from his tum - you can't even see where they were now, and they were about 2cm diameter. He is whizzing round again and on topper than ever form!
I'm in the Glenrothes, Fife area. The vet actually said that she doesn't hold out much hope for him and when i had him there last week she thinks that was the start of it all, she also said that as he is so small (which i dont think he is) the tumours could've been in the inside and are now coming out. I am desperate to save him because we love him so much and my little girl is devastated by all this.
Ang (cobwebandpigpig) lives in Fife, maybe you could find out who her vet is ? I can't offer any help,but thought I'd let you know I'm thinking of you and have everything crossed
sammy xx

hopefully she will spot this :)
Phone Wendi at Thistle Cavies and ask her advice re vets, she's the closest I know to you. The longer this is left the worse it'll be, leaving tumours or whatever will result in big holes in the skin and as Mary said infection etc etc.

Thistle Cavies near the bottom of the page is an email addy/link. I hope she can help you.

Keep us posted.
Please don't have the pig destroyed. The vet mustn't play God.

I do hope you can find a better one.

If it's any consolation, my Scarby had a 200g liver tumour and lobe of liver sucessfully removed in 2006.

Loads of good luck :smitten:
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