Ellen Cookie
Junior Guinea Pig
Hello folks, I really need some advice about my boars. I have had four for a while now, two brothers and two others. The brothers Bill and Ted are just over a year old, Brian is six and McGee is two. McGee does a lot of rumble strutting and the occasional chasing/"humping" of Brian, but there has never been any injuries so I have just let the four of them do their thing. Then, a couple of weeks ago we took on Ziggy (two years old) from an owner who couldn't give him the time or attention he deserved. Being conscious of how boars are to newbies, I kept him separated and introduced him to McGee on his own, who he seemed to get on quite well with. Figured as McGee was being a pain to the others, it might suit everyone to have him and Ziggy together. The trouble came with introducing Ziggy to the others. We did it in small stages, but Bill took a real dislike to him, and at one point during one of the meetings Brian and McGee got injured - eye and cheek respectively - in the crossfire. We have separated Ziggy and Bill, and had to move Ted to his own enclosure because Bill was being mean to him too once he couldn't get to Ziggy! Brian and McGee are in their own enclosure recuperating together and being treated for their wounds with vet-supplied antibiotics and eye drops. Basically, what do I do now? Do I reintroduce the original four once Brian and McGee are healed, and have Ziggy on his own (he was on his own before we got him but I kind of hoped to integrate him into our group)? HELP!