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Junior Guinea Pig
Feb 23, 2014
Reaction score
Hi everyone,
I need help my 2 guinea pigs Oreo & ruby are females. Only few months old. All of a sudden Oreo has attacked ruby then they are fine for 10 mins then she attacks again badly! Can anyone help it urgent!

I had introduced them to my other 2 piggies few days ago and they all had been getting on ok! But about half an hour the 2 started fighting! Daisy and Lola are in diffs cage to Oreo and ruby

They are scared stiff :(
It may well be because you tried introducing two more piggies to the mix and Oreo is asserting her dominance.... When you say attacking...what is she actually doing? If she draws blood- then please remove her.
I am going to tag a more experienced member @Wiebke
Is she just pushing and nipping without drawing blood? That is normal dominance behaviour while the sows establish a working hierarchy. It is not painful, just a demonstration of power by letting the other piggy feel the teeth without hurting her. The loud screaming from the undersow is submission screaming, not pain, either - she is just saying "I am no rival to you, so please don't be mean". Both behaviours are very much par for the course during the dominance phase of an introduction, which can easily two weeks or even longer until all piggies are fine with their place in the new hierarchy.
No I don't think it's a dominance thing that's problem! She is restless and very very vocal and was trying to mount other piggies could she be coming into season?

She keeps biting bars she has never been aggressive towards them but is now.
Sounds like she is coming into a strong season; not unusual after an introduction, either. It should hopefully be over in a day.
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