Help With Vet Bed

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Adult Guinea Pig
Aug 10, 2009
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A few weeks ago l noticed my vet beds were starting to shrink, and when l did a clean out today , l knoticed not only had they shrunk some more , l recon l have got another year or so before l replace . though the gaps are becoming a nusance and l will probabaly change sooner ,

though l will know better this time, and l will cut them a good 2in larger all round .
the type l got last time was bronteglen, and it cost me £200 for a half role. and fare inought it is still the same price 10years later.

"But" l was looking on ebay and they have a simulare half role for £160, and it is washerable up t 95f , the same as the stuff i have now. (l only ever wash at 40 to 60f depending on what type of pre wash l do )

anyone had vet bed off ebay ? what do you think of it, ? would you recomend it ?
You have two identical posts, this one and Vet Bed. I wasn't sure which to reply to.

The actual Petlife Vet Beds are the 'legitimate' thing according to many cavy owners and anything that is 'real' is bound to be the better product overall. Usually. If you wish to try it out I wouldn't spend all of your money on the E-bay one considering you have no experience with it and could be wasting some serious money. Purchase a smaller piece of it and see how it holds up. My response should be taken with a grain of salt (not a huge Vet Bed user; I dislike the scent it produces with urine) but I do suggest not blowing big bucks on something that may not live up to your exceptions. Plus one person's experience can be different from the next person.
Thank you @Seven that was realy what l wanted to hear, l am always suspicous of ebay, and it would be a hek of a lot of money to wast,
espesialy as l have a proven supplier .
Thanks for that , and welcome to the foram
:D I have bought almost all of my Vetbed from It is thicker than the proper Vetbed and the pile stands up to washing much better - doesn't flatten. I have not noticed any shrinkage and mine has been washed A LOT! You can buy packs of two squares in various colours and sizes quite cheaply, or large rolls if you can afford it.
just googled it and there 1/2 roll is £ 30 cheeper , thanks for that ,

pro fleece looks like it would be just right for pig palace :tu:
I have bought the rubber-backed stuff off eBay, and I know it's not the official VetBed. It shrinks a little but not much, and I've washed it loads.
Good to know about the Pro Fleece.... I will make note of that :)
I have some of the rubber backed stuff from ebay and after 6 months it still smells of rubber, it shrinks at 60 but not too bad at 40. It's much thicker than the green back and I struggle to get it in my machine (when the machine needs replacing will get one to take a bigger load!).
I have some Snuggiepaws greenback from ebay, they don't recommend it washed over 40 degrees but I've washed at 60 and it's been fine.
I much prefer the greenback, easier to wash and smells better. I bought off cuts of both types, it cost me £23 for each piece of rubber back to cover a 160cm x 80cm cage with a strip left over that I use in the loft and my travel box. The green back was a bit cheaper but I can't remember how much.
The only drawback I found with green back is that it's plain and shows poop and bits up quicker.
I have made a note about Pro Fleece in case I ever buy more!
I use bronte glen and on my second lot now as i made the mistake of not cutting larger than needed first time, and ended up using cut offs to cover the length of the cage. How long is a half roll @gizzy ? Because i bought 2 rolls 3 metres long each, and i didnt spend any more than £50. They dont actually shrink that much, just initially but stupidly i cut my first set "just" the right size. This time they are 2/3 inches to big at each side and they have been washed 10 times (i wash every 3 days, i wasnt counting like a saddo!) and so far no shrinking.. And its annoying me now as theyre too big haha.
That's the stuff I use. It says VetBed in the title but really it seems to be called CosyPet.
I don't know if it's the same as @piggieminder 's but I never had a problem with the rubber smell, as in mine doesn't seem to have that smell. However my sense of smell is not the best, so perhaps that explains it, or it's a different type of rubber-backed fleece.

It IS thick, and although I have a large capacity washing machine it does take up a lot of room in there. Perhaps I will try the green backed stuff, but my concern is wee soaking through onto the Correx, I find it stains and I can't get the stains off, so I try to avoid letting wee get through their bedding.
Thanks ror the link , that is impressive. £89.95 for a half roll , that is cheper, and it looks realy thick and comfy ,
do's it bend esily ? (putting into the wash machne ?)
That's the stuff I use. It says VetBed in the title but really it seems to be called CosyPet.
I don't know if it's the same as @piggieminder 's but I never had a problem with the rubber smell, as in mine doesn't seem to have that smell. However my sense of smell is not the best, so perhaps that explains it, or it's a different type of rubber-backed fleece.

It IS thick, and although I have a large capacity washing machine it does take up a lot of room in there. Perhaps I will try the green backed stuff, but my concern is wee soaking through onto the Correx, I find it stains and I can't get the stains off, so I try to avoid letting wee get through their bedding.
I don't know if mine is CosyPet, it came from ebay and is the pattern with the big paw prints on.
@gizzy when new either type is a bit of a fight to get into the machine as it's stiff but once it's been washed 3 or 4 times it softens up and gets easier.
@Critter forgot to say I use puppy pads and newspaper under mine, very occasionally get a small stain on cage base but found it comes off with vinegar.
I shop around and grab them if I see them on offer, the last ones I got were £4 for 30 in Home Sense reduced from £7.99. £ Stretcher have 30 for £3.99 at the moment. My cage takes 1 and a half across and I put the half in the main wee corner and as long as I change the newspaper in the corners every day I only need to change that half a pad once a week if that. They do the odd wee in other parts of the cage but hardly ever enough to go through the paper onto the pads. I check the paper every day and change any that is wet. I am very lucky to have a large supply of free newspaper!
yes l am lucky to l have a fair amount of news papers , people are kind,

but if they were all on holliday , its wise to have an alternet supply
Puppy pads are an absolute godsend! I rarely ever get wee on the base of my cage- literally once a month if a puppy pad moves away from the corner slightly. I change pads every day and vetbeds every 3 days, followed by a distinfectant and wipe. Literally takes me ten mins including hay fills water fills etc. so quick: i buy 100 pads for £12 from b&m- and they arent they cheap kind, super absorbent and mever leak. Theyre 60cm by 60cm
We've just had a B & M open near us, will look out for those puppy pads next time I go that way. Thanks for the info.
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