Help with my brand new guinea pigs :)

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Teenage Guinea Pig
Oct 26, 2011
Reaction score
Bristol, UK
I've recently acquired 2 12 week old male guinea pigs, I say recently, I mean literally about 2 hours ago.
I sorted their indoor cage out and put them in, and they went and hid in their bed instantly.
I haven't seen them since, and don't want to disturb them?
Is this normal behaviour when you first get them?
I've occasionally heard them 'meep' at one another.
Thanks, this is the first time I've owned guinea pigs so any help would be appreciated :)
Guinea pigs are prey animals and very nervous. They need time to get used to their surroundings. You will not see them for a few days. Maybe the day after tomorrow you can start to hold them to get them used to you. They will run away but this is normal. Guinea pigs find it very hard to be picked up but do it everyday anyway and they will soon enjoy being held by you.

Do you need advice on their dietary needs and other things? Do you know their gender? It is really important you do not have one male and one female or you will soon have many more piggies!
Guinea pigs are naturally shy creatures and will take some time to get used to you, so don't take it personally if they run and hide or freeze when you are around. Try just sitting quietly in the room with them, chatter away to them gently and offer them nice veg to eat. They probably won't take it from your hands just yet, but with patience you will get there. I have recently got a new friend for my older boar - I have had him for about 5 weeks now - and he is only just getting comfortable with me now. It is such a contrast to my other boy who I have had for 3 years, he is totally relaxed around me, but it took a very long time to get there (in his case, closer to a year!).
Hi there! Yes this is normal behaviour. It will likely take them a couple of weeks to settle in as they are prey animals. :) This forum has some usefull stickys at the top of each section. They may be relevant to a new owner.

Can i asked where you got them?
What sized cage they have?
and whether your sure they are both males?

(I only ask as pet shops and breeder frequently give out bad advice.) :)

Welcome to the forum, i hope you will find it a weath of knowledge.
they are 2 boars :)
and both so small and cute :D
they've got that pro c stuff in their water?
and they've got some nuggets too.

I'm wondering if its making them more nervous as my dog keeps walking inquisitively by their cage.
(my dog is soft though, and used to love my hamster when he ran round the room)

i know it'll be a working progress :D
just wanted to check that this is normal, and that they're okay :)
Your dog would be making them nervous as they do not know him. I personally use vitamin C tablets and crush them then put them on a slice of cucumber. This way you can ensure they are getting the vitamin c. If you put it in the water they may not drink it and most is lost through evaporation.

You have to choose names for them now. :)
As long as the nuggets are guinea pig specific thats great. :) Did you know they also need unlimited hay? This should make up 80% of there diet. :) The pro -C is a probiotic, and while it wont harm them it isnt necessarily needed if they arnt ill. I find its best to also give them plain water as if they dont like the taste they might stop drinking all together! mallethead.

I too have a lovely soft dog. :)

This is normal yes, dont worry.

Have you confirmed the sex for yourself? Or is that just what you are told? (also, i dont know if you read my other questions as our replies overlapped but i would be interested in the answers - nosey parker me. :) )
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I got them from a cats & dogs home by me, I originally only wanted one, as it was one that never socialised with others, but then I saw these two and I fell in love. They said that I shouldn't seperate them as they are brothers.
Not had chance to sex them myself just yet, but I trust the people at the shelter!

i've not spent enough time/seen them enough to decide on names just yet!
my hamster took me about 3 days for me to decide he was going to be called Eugene :P

I quite like Percy and Hector...but not sure if it will suit them. We shall see when I see them a bit more :P

the cage is sized L95 x W57 x H46cm.
it says it is suitable for 2, however as they are still very little they have more than enough room, but if they outgrow it with the two of them i shall get a bigger one :D
i've got the attachment on the side too for them to have the hay in, if this ever gets empty, or lower it's getting refilled pronto :D
Wonderfull. Its great that you rescued them, and I'm sure you should trust the shelter. (i only ask because pet shops are notorious for miss sexing. mallethead.

Unfortunatly that cage doesnt meet RSPCA requirements, even though pet shops will try and sell it for two piggies! So as they grow they will need a bigger one. 2ftx4ft is the minimum requirement. :)

Oh great. Sounds like your doing everything right, goodluck! And i hope you will find the forum a friendly place.
Hi and welcome!

Here are tips on how to settle nervous and shy little piggies; remember that guinea pigs are prey animals that will take time to get used to a new home.

Please check your piggies' gender as soon as they come with you; that can save you a lot of problems later on; here is the best link with lots of pictures of piggies of all stages of development - if they don;t come from a trusted source.

Here are tips for a good diet and what veg piggies can eat. Please don't add anything to their water. You can't control the intake and promote the growth of algae. The mainstay of a piggy diet is hay - up to 80% of the daily food intake.

How big is your cage? The minimum recommendation from the RSPCA is 2x4 ft (60x100cm), but especially boars profit from more space like 2x5ft to help their relationship to stay stable. You can find more information and help if needed in our housing section. Some member always knows the current best deals!

I am looking forward to pictures once your boys have settled in.
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i got my hamster from a pet shop, and he was a male, sexed as a female, and unfortunately died 2months ago :( even though he was only a year and a half, so i'm guessing they lie about ages too! which is why I thought i'd give poor piggies without a home a chance!

hold my hands up, i did get the cage from pets at home :| i thought it would have been big enough (like you said they say its suitable for two) but oh well when they're bigger it'll be the first thing i do :D

and the second they get exploring i will get some pictures :D AND some names :P
Hi and welcome!

Here are tips on how to settle nervous and shy little piggies; remember that guinea pigs are prey animals that will take time to get used to a new home.

Please check your piggies' gender as soon as they come with you; that can save you a lot of problems later on; here is the best link with lots of pictures of piggies of all stages of development - if they don;t come from a trusted source.

Here are tips for a good diet and what veg piggies can eat. Please don't add anything to their water. You can't control the intake and promote the growth of algae. The mainstay of a piggy diet is hay - up to 80% of the daily food intake.

How big is your cage? The minimum recommendation from the RSPCA is 2x4 ft (60x100cm), but especially boars profit from more space like 2x5ft to help their relationship to stay stable. You can find more information and help if needed in our housing section. Some member always knows the current best deals!

I am looking forward to pictures once your boys have settled in.

Hey wiebke, 4ft converts to 120 cms... I'm sure it was a typo, just wanted to clarify! :))
When we first got our older girlies we set up the video camera as we did not see them for a few days! Perfectly normal for them to hide, now Putt is fine and loves to spend time on our laps but still won't come out of her wooden house if anyone other than us is in the room. They soon get used to you, talking helps so they get used to the sound of your voice.
Hi and welcome. Looking forward to some pigtures once your little chaps have settled in. :)
i got my hamster from a pet shop, and he was a male, sexed as a female, and unfortunately died 2months ago :( even though he was only a year and a half, so i'm guessing they lie about ages too! :P

I doubt that they lied to you about the age of the hamster... Hamsters have a short lifespan! Plus compared to Guinea Pigs, Hamsters are entirely different when it comes to sexing. Its really hard to do especially when they are very young (barely 8 weeks old is how young they are when they come into a shop) but you should never keep more than one hamster in the same cage anyway so it really doesn't matter the way it does with Guinea Pigs, who HAVE to kept as more than one.
i was a little concerned about my little men not eating, as they'd not touched their food, and have given them some green bell pepper (i read online they can have it?) and they seem to love it!
ever since then, they keep poking their heads out, and one of them keeps fully coming out and having a wander :) even when my dog is sat looking at the cage! i'm hoping his bravery will soon show the other that there's nothing to be scared of :D
they've been named Barney and Jerome. pictures will be up the second I can get one :D
It is great they have eaten the bell peppers. Bear in mind that they are probably eating hay when you are not around!
yeah, their hay seems to have gone down a bit :))
they've both eaten pepper from my hand this morning too!
and from what i've read on the forums, it seems that they are settling in really well?
I reckon i've got some friendly ones :D
Wow that is so quick for them to be taking food from you! You are clearly doing a great job. :)
as i expected as well, the mainly black one (the shyest of the two) also came out and ate the pepper from my hand :)
can't wait until they get more confident with me and i can start having cuddles, whens the best time to try do you think?
I would start picking them up now so they get used to you. They may feel more confident under a fleece on your lap. Beware you may be weed on!
I would start picking them up now so they get used to you. They may feel more confident under a fleece on your lap. Beware you may be weed on!

definitely not bothered about being wee'd on ;)
as long as they like me!

my dog wees on me all the time when i get in from work/uni, so i'm used to it ;)
Oh my! I imagine dogs do huge wees! I really want to see a photo of your babies.
i'll try and have a cuddle with Barney now :) seeing as he's the more confident one! and I shall upload a picture :D
Wonderfull. Its great that you rescued them, and I'm sure you should trust the shelter. (i only ask because pet shops are notorious for miss sexing. mallethead.

Unfortunatly that cage doesnt meet RSPCA requirements, even though pet shops will try and sell it for two piggies! So as they grow they will need a bigger one. 2ftx4ft is the minimum requirement. :)

Oh great. Sounds like your doing everything right, goodluck! And i hope you will find the forum a friendly place.

If you got them from Bristol Cats and Dogs home, they will be correctly sexed - Joe and the other guys who work in the small animal department are competant at sexing :)

(I also got my Jeff from there, oh the perils of volunteering!)
IT WENT WELL :D he's sat on my lap at the moment :) no trying to run away or anything, and thus far, no toilet accidents ;)
I didn't notice Jerome making and noise, and Barney didnt make any either!

Here he is: My little Barney.
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