Help with housing


New Born Pup
Jan 3, 2022
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Hi I’m new here but have had guinea pigs for a few years . I need some advice. I had 2 sets of 2 girl guinea pigs. One died and I bonded 3 of them together sadly one died which left 2 and for a few weeks I’ve been trying to get them to live happily… no luck they were fighting making each other bleed. Really horrible 🥺 they were living in the top 1/2 of a 2 tier rabbit hutch as I’ve got a poorly rabbit in the bottom half ( boarded up) so they can’t get to each other. Today I separated the 2 guinea pigs hutch in 1/2 but now I’m really worried they haven’t got enough room to live happily in. The hutch length is 180cm so they got about 90cm length each. Any advice?
I’m so sorry to hear of your losses and your poorly rabbit.

I'm afraid dividing the hutch in half doesn’t provide them with enough space - each single piggy needs 120x60cm as a minimum. You will need to buy another hutch and position them so the piggies can still interact through the bars (which is hard with hutches given the sides are not mesh). I’m assuming they are outside?
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Yeah they are outside. I can’t seem to find another hutch that is in my price range at the moment that’s the problem 🥺
What is your budget for a hutch?

Are you planning on keeping them single or finding another compatible piggy for each?
I have found one for about £65 it’s 120cm long so I think that’s ok. I’ll keep them separate as they really have taken bites out of each other. It’s heartbreaking 💔 they both had life partners so I think they are both grieving and will be better on their own.. with lots of human companionship
I’m afraid human companionship can’t replace that of another piggy, even a neighbour. Will you be able to change the wide panels so they can interact? Change it for mesh and somehow secure the two hutches together? Even if they can’t live together, they can still get the interaction they need as neighbours. I’m sorry it didn’t work out.