Help With Grease Gland Cleaning - What I Can Use?

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Teenage Guinea Pig
Jun 16, 2014
Reaction score
Co. Tyrone, Northern Ireland
Hi everyone,

I have read the recommended link for cleaning the grease glands on my boars, and think Freckles needs cleaning as it looks like he has a fat smudge of earwax looking stuff on his grease gland area thats increased since I got him so I am sure he needs this cleaned up.

His skin colour below looks normal, so I think a good clean is in order :D

Didn't want to give him a full bath as his fur and ears are lovely and clean and so wondered what the best way of cleaning this would be - and whether there are ingredients I can easily buy in my weekly shop that will do the job?

Raiding the kids medical cupboard I already have a nit comb, and in there is also olive oil and Re-gen oil. Just wondered if these are any use for piggies and should I just be trying to remove all the grease or while that encourage the gland to produce even more? :doh:

And also (sorry for all the questions!) Spud has just a tiny blob of grease on his, nice and neat - should that be knocked off and cleaned or left alone ..again, his fur and skin is all lovely so no need to stick him in a bath either?
I've heard of people using virgin coconut oil on a soft cloth to clean the grease gland.
I keep the fur around Marley's Grease gland short or it quickly becomes matted, making for some very unpleasant brushing sessions. I'll probably get criticised for this but the thing which I have found to work best is dish washing detergent. I've been using it for 3 years will no ill effects and it really does get rid of all that waxy gunk. Marley seems healthy and happy still and the vet I talked to said it was fine. I use dean, as recommended on this site:
I keep the fur around Marley's Grease gland short or it quickly becomes matted, making for some very unpleasant brushing sessions. I'll probably get criticised for this but the thing which I have found to work best is dish washing detergent. I've been using it for 3 years will no ill effects and it really does get rid of all that waxy gunk. Marley seems healthy and happy still and the vet I talked to said it was fine. I use dean, as recommended on this site:

Don't feel like you'll be criticized :). If you've been using it for so long and it works/doesn't hurt the pigs then maybe it's fine! I'm sure as long as you're washing it all off of them after it's fine. But someone I know who is quite reliable with piggies uses virgin coconut oil. If you ever see any, maybe give that a try! It's much healthier for their skin in the long run!
Will try the virgin coconut oil - I am nuts about using coconut stuff myself and this is sure to make the job more pleasant
@Lecie89 do you know if the oil needs to be washed off with something else once the grease is cleaned away, or is it best to leave some on the fur and skin to act as a moisturiser? :)
Don't feel like you'll be criticized :). If you've been using it for so long and it works/doesn't hurt the pigs then maybe it's fine! I'm sure as long as you're washing it all off of them after it's fine. But someone I know who is quite reliable with piggies uses virgin coconut oil. If you ever see any, maybe give that a try! It's much healthier for their skin in the long run!
Aww thank you... I guess It just doesn't sound good to say that you use dish washing soap on your guinea pig but I don't use much! I feel like a mum caught feeding her kids unorganic veg in front of the other parents! But I think I will give the virgin coconut oil a try as it does sound much more healthy for him :)
Will try the virgin coconut oil - I am nuts about using coconut stuff myself and this is sure to make the job more pleasant
@Lecie89 do you know if the oil needs to be washed off with something else once the grease is cleaned away, or is it best to leave some on the fur and skin to act as a moisturiser? :)

As far as I know, it acts as a good moisturizer and protectant for the piggies and you don't need to wash it off or anything!
Can I ask how it went with the coconut oil? I just had lap time with one of my boys who are 9 months old and found that he has a greasy, crusty blob on his back end which I am sure is the grease gland needing cleaning. Do you put the oil on a cloth and rub around the area? How hard do you rub? I live alone and don't have another pair of hands to help me bathe him, and he can be quite wriggley, so would be great if I could just massage the area with a cloth while having laptime - but no idea if that is how it works?
I haven't actually had a chance to try it - bought some piggie shampoo, and a couple of basins recently and intend to give them a shallow bath so I can clean their bums too :whistle::lol: have yet to purchase the coconut oil - will get back with a review once I have that.

Your cloth idea sounds good though, thats a good idea. I think once they are bathed I will try that as it might help slow the build up. :)
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