Help with fighting, please!


New Born Pup
May 5, 2022
Reaction score

I have two pigs which are around 5 months old. Pops is dominant and Chico the submissive - they have gotten on really nicely up until I went on holiday and I have come back to two pigs which have lost all their fun.

I have noticed that both pigs have body nips and poor Chico has now got another bite to his face this evening. They have a fairly good sized cage, two water bottles, a water bowl, two cage food dispensers, two bowls for nibbles, hiddies and toys. They respond to my voice when I say ‘food’ and will come to see what food I am bringing.

I usually work at home so have plenty of time to watch them whilst working and often let them run free around a nicely sized kitchen, which they loved. I tried to let them out once I was back and Pops just spent the whole time peeing, pooping, scent marking and aggressively spray kicking Chico (who was also spray kicking back) - it was no fun.

Chico although submissive seems to still want to be around Pops but Pops just seems quite spiteful and I just don’t know what to do to get them both happily playing again. I can’t seem to figure out what might have changed - I don’t think it’s food or space related?! I have been assured in my absence that they were fed and cared for correctly.

Any suggestions are welcome as I fear I might need to separate them for good 😕

Thanks for reading.
Hello and welcome to the forum. Two things jumped out. Firstly is their age. They are getting more hormonal at this age. Secondly you went away on holiday. Did they stay in their usual place or did they go to a pet sitter? If they went to a sitter it will take them two weeks to re establish their bond again now they are home. I hope this is just a little bump in their relationship. Keep a close eye on them. If it gets worse you can separate them for a little while and reintroduce on neutral territory again. Also make sure the hides have two exits in them so a piggy can’t get cornered in one. If they have a proper blood drawing fight they will need to live separately side by side. Good luck.
Thank you for responding.

They were kept at my home in their space but wondered if a slight change in routine might have disgruntled them?!

We definitely have a little cut with some blood - so have separated them for the night and will see how they are in the morning. Sounds like it’s hormones - and a potential separation ☹️
You can sometimes end up with a misplaced swipe or defender, which can result in a cut. Perhaps separate them for a couple of days and see if a team-introduction will go well. If they don’t get on then you will likely know fairly quickly.

Unfortunately they have started their teens. There are times when they experience a hormone surge. But for the pairing to work, there can only be one dominant and one submissive piggy.

Hopefully they will go back together without issues. At this stage, when you clean them out it would be better for you to leave some dirty bedding in there. You say their cage is a fairly good size. Is it at least 150x60cm?

Have a read of the guides below. Good luck with the rebonding.

Boars: Teenage, Bullying, Fighting, Fall-outs And What Next?
Dominance Behaviours In Guinea Pigs

So I have an update - I kept the boys close but in separate spaces for a couple of days and then yesterday spent a very long time rebonding.

The good news is they are now back together and so far so good but wondered if there was anything else I should be keeping an eye on? There has been a couple of teeth chattering moments but nothing too serious (I think).

I will size up the cage just in case but currently they are in the garden enjoying some extra space.

Thanks for the advice and helping to get me to this point! ☺️
Just keep an out eye for any escalation in behaviour or aggression. Normal dominance is fine but if actual injuries are occurring (nips to the face can be defensive) then that is not good.

Make sure they do have plenty of space - boars need a lot more room than sows do.
If you are going to increase their cage size, then do be aware that that will make it new territory. Boars always reestablish their relationship in any new territory, so you will see an increase again. Ensure you use soiled bedding in the new cage so that it smells of them as that can help them feel more at home and help to mitigate the effects of the territory change.
Also, ensure you handle the dominant boar first as you also need to respect their hierarchy.

The green links added in on this thread can help you further with boar specific behaviour

A Comprehensive Guide to Guinea Pig Boars
I’m pleased they seem to have calmed down.