Hello, I’ve posted here a few times before and previously had a dental pig who we ultimately in the end had to PTS. I have an almost 7 year old female guinea pig who had dental surgery Friday. Her only symptom before surgery was a wet chin here and there that I noticed the last week and a half or so. Her appetite, stool, water and everything else had stayed the same. Took her in Friday and the vet had a hard time seeing in her mouth but said he could feel a spur on the side where most of the wetness was but that’s all he could tell at that point. She had surgery I’m assuming around 1230 or so and I picked her up @ 2 ish. Since then she has been pretty out of it. She will eat small bits of hay here and there and at first was not drinking water but I woke up to her drinking quite a bit and she’s done that a few times. She will eat the hay if it’s put in front of her for a minute or so. I think most of the reason she isn’t eating/drinking more is she still seems so out of it/tired/loopy. She takes a few steps then lays down and goes to sleep. She was given an injection of Simbadol there. Her eyes also seem a bit leaky since surgery, they weren’t like that before. I have given her Sherwood Appetite Restore but I don’t think that’s helped and I have Emeraid on the way and have crush some pellets in the meantime and fed as a critical care, but does anyone know is this drowsiness for this long common after this and with that type of pain med over a day later? When she isnt laying and sleeping, for example, in between syringing the CC, she looks like she’s zoned out. I also have her regular pain meds here on hand I can give, I just don’t know if she can have those when she had the Simbadol on Friday, and of course vet is closed today. Thank you for any help!