Help with bonding of two sets of boars please


New Born Pup
Nov 10, 2018
Reaction score
I have two sets of male piggies.
One set are 4 and 5 and the second set are 14 months and 3 years.
The first pair are older boars I got from a rescue and are very bonded.
The second pair is a young boy and a boy who has a disability.
At the moment they are both separated by a C&C cage divider, but they both try to bury underneath and constantly chew at the bars! They also put there noises through to sniff one another and groom each other.
My worry is I've read all the threads about it destabilising already bonded pairs and I don't want that to happen, but they seem to want to see one another?
My cage set up is 4x5 c&c cage
Thanks :)
Hiya, just to clarify, do you want to try and merge two pairs of piggies into a big group of four?

As you've read, if that's the case then it unfortunantely won't work (I think you'd need about 10m2 of space and a lot more piggies anyway?)

Maybe some senior members can give advice about how to stop your two pairs getting agitated and wanting to see each other. Would it be possible to separate the cages completely, so that they can't interact through the divider?
If I were you, I would leave them as they are. The burrowing, grooming and chewing at the bars isn’t necessarily a sign of what could happen if you did try. It may be two of them might like each other but would struggle with the other piggies. Boars find it difficult to be in a hierarchy. They’re either top pig or they’re not. There’s no ‘in between’ as there is with sows.

You’d also need a lot more space than a 4x5 provides if you wanted to attempt this. Seeing as they’re in their pairs, I would see whether you can separate the cages or put up cardboard for now to cut back on the bar biting. They don’t necessarily need to interact as they have friends of their own each.
Thanks for the advice.
As they are happy I will take your advice and leave them be :)

Definitely a wise decision. Trying to bond them to make a quartet is highly likely to be a disaster.
Interactions between bars are not always friendly ones - they can be confused as a sign that they want to be together when in fact they are simply marking their own territories.
I’m so pleased you have decided to leave them as they are. I had two boars and the pet shop told me that they like to live n herds so I could add another bonded pair to them. Oh dear. All four of them fell out and lived their whole lives as single piggies. 😭. This was quite a few years ago though.