Help with Bonding 4yr old female with 8 month old female


New Born Pup
Jan 30, 2024
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Hi guys so my 4yr old girl had her best mate pass away and i needed to get her a new friend. At first I got her a de-sexed 3yr old boy but they didnt get along straight away as they are both too dominant and the boy started attacking my girl each time i tried to bond them (quite aggressively too) and since she had never had a guiena fight before she quickly became very scared of him. I ended up keeping him but he is in a seperate cage and has a new friend who he loves. Since my 4yr old girl is very dominant (only at the start though) i brought her to a shelter for the day to see if she could pick a new friend. The only friend she got along with was a 8 month old female who i ended up adopting. The only reason this pair worked is because this young girl didnt try and challenge my older piggy back therefor the dominance order was sorted without any fights. Ive now had them together for a week and all was fine, they were basically done the bonding process and the 8month old layed down and never challenged back for dominance. In the past 24hrs though the 8month old is now showing lots of dominance signs and she is basically copying everything the 4yr old did to her at the start and is acting exactly like the older one was during the first few days. The older piggie was over it as she doesnt hold grudges and just wanted to be friends since the order was sorted… but since the young pup is now displaying dominance signs my older one is now seeming quite scared of her, i think its bringing back memories of when the male i got attacked her a few weeks ago. My older piggie wants to be dominant but she is quite scared of fighting and would never ever attack first, she was already being more chill cause they had sorted the order out and she thought they were friends but now the past 24hrs this is happening. My older girl does not want to fight so she is just showing she is scared cause she is worried the young one will attack her, even though the young one hasnt and has only done what the older one did herself at the start (which was just normal dominance signs, no attacking). Any thoughts on this? Thankyouu !
It’s likely the youngster has come into season so is feeling a bit hormonal. They are also still within their period of sorting their relationship. It takes around two weeks for that to happen.
Best to leave them to it and see how things go. If she is in season it’ll calm down soon