Help With Boars

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New Born Pup
Jun 3, 2016
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Hi guys! I really need help with bonding my boars, or at least getting them to the stage where they can live together. I have an Abbysinian who is two, (Pax), and and American Shorthair who is one (Lincoln). I have tri d introducing them a couple of times but I'm confused as to what to do after that. I just need info for after introductions.
You gave to commit yourself to seeing it through till they are bonded .You can't do it but by but.Everytime you separate them you are starting from scratch.I have never bonded boars to each other just sows and a neutered boar.Total neutral territory, two of everything, all hidey with two entrances and loads of hay and veggies to distract them.I swap smells for a week or so too.Have a towel handy to separate them if they start fighting.Good luck.
Hi guys! I really need help with bonding my boars, or at least getting them to the stage where they can live together. I have an Abbysinian who is two, (Pax), and and American Shorthair who is one (Lincoln). I have tri d introducing them a couple of times but I'm confused as to what to do after that. I just need info for after introductions.

Please do not separate unles the behaviour is very tense, the boys get into a fight or the constant humpin gis too much for one boar.
This link here will tell you; also read the further links: Illustrated Bonding Behaviours And Dynamics
So I should introduce them in a neutral territory, then rearrange and clean the cage and put them in it?
So I should introduce them in a neutral territory, then rearrange and clean the cage and put them in it?

Yes. Please only move the boys until they have slept together in the bonding pen and are still fine when waking up. That can in some cases take more than a day.
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