Help With Boars?

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New Born Pup
Dec 15, 2014
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Hello, just wondering if anyone could give me some advice.

I own 2 boars, I've owned them for just over a year and they've always been together. They've had their little arguments every now and then but it's starting to get really bad now - one of them will launch himself at the other and bite him, or they'll just start fighting over absolutely nothing all of the time. They live in my bedroom so I see them a lot of the time. They're in a 2 by 5 C&C cage so they have plenty of room, but even if I take one out of the cage to clip their nails and leave one in they cry for each other so I can't separate them. Is there anything I can do? I hate seeing then fighting and I'm worried one is really going to injure the other.

Thanks in advance!
If they are lunging and biting I think you may need to seperate...maybe not forever. Could you divide the cage down the middle with c&c grids so they can still see/smell and hear each other? Sometimes male piggies fall out when they are going through their hormonal stages. Do they have 2 of everything? 2 of my males piggies need 3 or 4 hideys or they squabble!
I'm afraid I've seen a few posts from boar owners having this problem over the years . Have you seen this thread ?

Boars: Bullying, Fighting, Fall-outs And What Next?

The advantage of having a C&C is that you can work out a way of seperating them .

Some people have tried re- bonding boars but, personally , I think this is a lot of work with a slim chance of success.

so, you optins are ...

1 - keep them seperated in a C&C set up - so they can continue to talk to each other and keep each other company.
2 - Contact a rescue that offers boar dating .
3 - you could consider getting you boars neutered and pairing each with a female.

Let us know your thoughts and we can talk about this more.
Hello, just wondering if anyone could give me some advice.

I own 2 boars, I've owned them for just over a year and they've always been together. They've had their little arguments every now and then but it's starting to get really bad now - one of them will launch himself at the other and bite him, or they'll just start fighting over absolutely nothing all of the time. They live in my bedroom so I see them a lot of the time. They're in a 2 by 5 C&C cage so they have plenty of room, but even if I take one out of the cage to clip their nails and leave one in they cry for each other so I can't separate them. Is there anything I can do? I hate seeing then fighting and I'm worried one is really going to injure the other.

Thanks in advance!

You may find the tips in this link here helpful. It tells you how you can test whether the bond is still functional or not and what else you can do. it is likely that your two boys are going to be much happier as live-alongside companions, each with their own territory, but with constant interaction through the bars. We have got several members who ended up with keeping their boars like that, as "can't get on together but can't be happy without" pairs.
Boars: Bullying, Fighting, Fall-outs And What Next?
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