New Born Pup
Hi. I'm a first time gp mama, and after 2 weeks am fighting gastrointestinal stasis due to my not properly educating myself on a proper diet. Luckily it is "air" and the vet said she thought she would be fine. Since I wasn't prepared to suddenly become a gp mom, I DEFINATELY wasn't prepared for the $200 bill they gave me last night and when I couldn't afford to pay it ( although can this week) the vet said that they had donations and she would hook me up. However, somehow it didn't get relayed to the tech who began trying to wrangle it out of me and then suddenly was offering to give her subcutaneous fluids. I heard her screaming all the way out into the waiting area. The tech brought me back a guinea pig that was practically crying so hard she was convulsing and said that too bad I didn't have the $200 because she would have had pain meds if I did. Obviously that is another matter but does anyone have any practical advice for her aftercare, such as diet or OTC pain meds, or just random thoughts of how to best handle these few days until she is well.