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Help with abscess? on piggie


New Born Pup
Apr 1, 2023
Reaction score
I got a baby piggie a couple weeks ago, and just a week after there was a huge bump on her.
Within the next 3 days it got super huge, skin was red, cut up and pus looked like it came out. Very thick pus. I didn’t touch it cus i didn’t know if it would be bad or good, and it scabbed up. It didn’t stink or leak, it was just that.
I took her to a vet and they gave us medicine and told us to flush it out, issue is they gave us nothing to clean it with or really any idea on how to do it. The scab i had to open up by pressing warm water on it, it had my piggie in so much pain she wouldn’t let me even use water to try and clean it. So it scabbed up again with the infection inside, same thing happened again. It does look better, it’s pink and it’s a clean cut instead of it being a big hole, but i can see not new pus but old pus that needs to be cleaned out, issue is I can’t do anything. She won’t let me touch it or get near it. My dad is on edge with taking her to the vet again since my own personal medical issues are already expensive. No idea on what to do.
If i can’t clean it, it’ll never heal which is torture for the baby! Do I just get the vet to flush it out then after hope for the best? Also, is this even an abscess since there’s no leaking or smell. There’s no bump anymore either, just a cut.

Thanks for any advice if anyone sees this.


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Please do return to the vet to have it checked.
Abscesses need to be flushed out daily and to heal from the inside out.
When you say she was given medicine, I assume you mean antibiotics and painkillers?
What dosage was she given?
Is she still on those medications?
Hello and welcome to the forum. I’m sorry your piggy is poorly. You can attach a photo by clicking the attach files button with a paper clip on it.

It is very stressful when they are ill. I have had a piggy with a tooth root abscess that took two weeks to flush.

What medication did the vet give you? Was it pain meds and antibiotics? Are you still giving the medication? Sorry for all the questions but it helps with our advice.
Welcome to the forum.
Abscesses are no fun to deal with.
They can be very persistent and really do need regular flushing out.
Hope your piggy’s does heal quickly
Welcome to the forum
So sorry your little one has an abscess. You will need to flush it out daily. Best way to hold in to an unwilling guinea pig is to wrap her in a towel and get someone to hold while you flush Good luck x
Abscesses can take awhile to heal and do need flushing. What meds were you given and is she still on them? If she's still producing pus from the wound and the antibiotics are done, I would suggest contacting the vet for more antibiotics. You can flush the wound with a disinfectant solution (the vet may offer one for sale) or with sterile saline (that you can buy at the drug store, people use it for contact lens neutralization, nasal irrigation, etc.) Get some sort of syringe (the vet can give you one or you may be able to find one for human use in the drug store... the one I have is actually from when I got my wisdom teeth out.) She's not going to enjoy the process, so you may want to have someone else hold her, or wrap her up in a towel like a little burrito, or both. Hopefully with that you'll see some improvement. Hopefully, as she's new to you, it's just an infection from a bite wound or something, and it will heal from the inside out.
Hello and welcome to the forum. I’m sorry your piggy is poorly. You can attach a photo by clicking the attach files button with a paper clip on it.

It is very stressful when they are ill. I have had a piggy with a tooth root abscess that took two weeks to flush.

What medication did the vet give you? Was it pain meds and antibiotics? Are you still giving the medication? Sorry for all the questions but it helps with our advice.
None for the pain but for the infection! And don’t apologize it’s all good, she is still taking it:) it’s some sorta oral suspension (that’s what it says) to kill the infection. So far I don’t see any pus anymore In her cut.. which means it’s getting better… I'm just scared I can’t flush it out properly since I’m very unprofessional. But she’s super happy still, eating, doing zoomies, popcorning, eating etc.
Abscesses can take awhile to heal and do need flushing. What meds were you given and is she still on them? If she's still producing pus from the wound and the antibiotics are done, I would suggest contacting the vet for more antibiotics. You can flush the wound with a disinfectant solution (the vet may offer one for sale) or with sterile saline (that you can buy at the drug store, people use it for contact lens neutralization, nasal irrigation, etc.) Get some sort of syringe (the vet can give you one or you may be able to find one for human use in the drug store... the one I have is actually from when I got my wisdom teeth out.) She's not going to enjoy the process, so you may want to have someone else hold her, or wrap her up in a towel like a little burrito, or both. Hopefully with that you'll see some improvement. Hopefully, as she's new to you, it's just an infection from a bite wound or something, and it will heal from the inside out.
This is great advice, thank you. I’m gonna this weekend try and get myself some of that hopefully at cvs.. it looks like it’s getting better so far from just cleaning it with water but i can’t go in too deep and I’m scared there’s still a infection.


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Abscesses can take awhile to heal and do need flushing. What meds were you given and is she still on them? If she's still producing pus from the wound and the antibiotics are done, I would suggest contacting the vet for more antibiotics. You can flush the wound with a disinfectant solution (the vet may offer one for sale) or with sterile saline (that you can buy at the drug store, people use it for contact lens neutralization, nasal irrigation, etc.) Get some sort of syringe (the vet can give you one or you may be able to find one for human use in the drug store... the one I have is actually from when I got my wisdom teeth out.) She's not going to enjoy the process, so you may want to have someone else hold her, or wrap her up in a towel like a little burrito, or both. Hopefully with that you'll see some improvement. Hopefully, as she's new to you, it's just an infection from a bite wound or something, and it will heal from the inside out.
This is great advice, thank you. I’m gonna this weekend try and get myself some of that hopefully at cvs.. it looks like it’s getting better so far from just cleaning it with water but i can’t go in too deep and I’m scared there’s still a infection.
This is great advice, thank you. I’m gonna this weekend try and get myself some of that hopefully at cvs.. it looks like it’s getting better so far from just cleaning it with water but i can’t go in too deep and I’m scared there’s still a infection.
Did not mean to send this twice, def shows I’m new here lol.
We’ve all done that 😁

Glad you’re finding the forum supportive and helpful.
Just keep on flushing that abscess.
They do heal, eventually.