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Help :( Urgently looking for advice/support.. whole herd has URIs!?


Forum Donator 2023/24
Mar 27, 2017
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Hi again all,

We're going through it right now! We had Nugget (5 yo) pass away on Sunday 12th, she was diagnosed with UTI by local exotic vet on 2nd and started course of Baytril (0.75ml once a day) and Cystpro capsules (0.5/day). Nugget had also been longterm on Johnsons 4Joints (0.5ml day) and metacam (0.4ml twice a day) for her arthritis which had just spread to her spine. On Friday 10th she was seen by Kim at Cat and Rabbit clinic as she had reduced her eating and stopped drinking, confirmed UTI and also suspected stones. Although we mentioned she was nodding/rocking slightly, the local vet did not check for or mention possibility of URI. Kim did not mention URI either although she checked Nugget over - I had not mentioned the rocking as I didn't know the link to URI myself then. When Nugget died she had just peed bright red blood, I phoned local vet who said it sounded like stones but Nugget could not have surgery due to frailness so she had a lot going on and we could not have done any more for her.

However, Monday morning I noticed Oreo (6 yo) nodding/rocking like Nugget. Googled it, saw URI and took her straight to the local vet who diagnosed URI and also UTI, possible stones. Started course of Baytril (0.4ml twice a day) and Cystease (0.5 capsule once a day). Oreo is also on longterm on Johnsons 4Joints (0.5ml day) and metacam (0.4ml twice a day) for her arthritis.

With Oreo we have four 1.5 year olds in our herd. This evening (Wednesday) I thought I noticed Cookie rocking ever so slightly and she seemed to be laying up like a dog more than on her side. I stared at the others for ages, didn't see anything with Goldie or Demi but Effie I thought was breathing a little fast and possibly rocking a little. I thought I had to be imagining this.. I must be hyper vigilant and grieving but I was right about Oreo. Phoned the local vet who said to take all five up to be checked.

Low and behold Cookie has a URI and conjunctivitis. Effie has a URI and conjunctivitis but not as bad. The vet said that their noses are a bit wet and their breathing was faster/bit more laboured but their lungs sounded clear. Oreo's lungs sound crackly/bit chesty still but she said there isn't fluid in them. I could see Cookie and Effie's inner eyelids were red which I am guessing is the conjunctivitis? She said Goldie and Demi are clear but we thought one of Demi's eye's was red too.

She took a swab from Oreo, Cookie and Effie, which we have to wait 1-2 weeks for result. Vet said to treat with Doxycycline or Sulfatrim equivalent (as it's been discontinued). Vet chose Sulfatrim equivalent as it's being delivered tomorrow afternoon and they won't have Doxycycline as quick. Meanwhile she said Oreo needs to finish week of Baytril, add two weeks of Sulfatrim equivalent. Then all four young ones to do 1 week of Sulfatrim equivalent. Vet advised to treat whole herd so it doesn't cycle round again and again but we have the risks of them all being on antibiotics.

-> The vet said the conjunctivitis is caused by the infection? Are we meant to have eye drops for their eyes?

-> She also said their infection could be viral or bacterial but I thought piggies couldn't get viruses and they infections were always bacterial?

-> Please does anyone have experience with a whole herd or multiple pigs coming down with an infection? How did you get through it?
I was very surprised the young ones have caught it and that worries me that it's a very bad one.

We are so emotionally drained from losing Nugget. We barely have had time to grieve, then Oreo getting these infections and now we've got to find the emotional energy to be treating five piggies and watching them all for going off food/deterioration. I'm so full of worry I can't eat or think of anything else. I know the daily steps I need to take to monitor them but it feels like trying to win a war.

It also makes me feel so sorry for Nugget because she must have had a URI. It makes sense that Oreo has it worst because of her age and they were always side by side. It makes sense Cookie has it the next worst then Effie because they were the ones who spent a lot of time laying either side of Nugget when she was ill.

I know I got Nugget to two specialist vets and I know she had a lot going on and she deteriorated so fast that she didn't even lose weight. I noticed she had slowed down on her eating but that same day trying she would not have the syringe. I think things shut down so quickly and I don't think I could have saved her because of the stone/s but I just feel awful about it. I have rushed them to the vet within hours/a day of noticing the smallest of signs. The vets even said there's not other signs so I caught it all very early, but it STILL was not enough. And now I have three with URIs and have to treat all five! It's lucky I have been off work ill myself for the past three days and had my three days off before that or I would not have caught all of it. I have a very busy demanding job. I need to ask if I can have some time off for this emergency.

We've never had an infection before. They're inside on fleece. I'm wondering if we went wrong by heating the room most nights for Oreo and Nugget's arthritis then not heating it when it wasn't as cold. Maybe there was a temperature difference which caused an infection? I feel like I have been giving everything and still all this is happening.

I am trying not to be scared for the young ones but we have never gone up against a URI before and I have read how bad and fast they can be. We are very scared and worried about getting Oreo through the URI and UTI due to her age and frailness but also because if she has stones and they become problematic the only option we have is euthanasia. The vet checked her today and she squeaked even louder when her bladder was pressed than on Monday. We couldn't put her through an operation with all her other health issues, and we really feel like we are on borrowed time now :'( Please send all your love and prayers for Oreo and the rest of the herd. I can't even imagine losing more or them getting sicker. I am beside myself!
Also the local vet suggested watering down the Baytril? Has anyone done that? I've just been giving it straight. I would be concerned about dosage.
And the vet isn't getting the Sulfatrim equivalent in until 2pm tomorrow so we have to wait until tomorrow afternoon to be given it. The vet said they're getting it in different strengths so once they have it they will work out the doses. I'm worried about waiting 24 hours before starting to treat the URI! But I don't think there is any way I can get it sooner. Vet did not seem concerned.
I don't have any advice but I just wanted to send my love and hope all piggies get better soon.I'm so sorry you're going through this so soon after loosing nugget xx
I don’t have any advice to give I’m afraid, just wanted to say that I’m so sorry about your situation and I really hope everyone pulls through.
I’ve never heard of baytril being watered down, it would definitely loose it’s effectiveness!
I am so sorry you are going through this horrible time with your piggies, this is so sad. I have no advice but just hang in there. :hug: I’m sending loads of healing vibes to your little poorly piggies, hope it helps x
Goodness me, what a time for you and your piggies! Best wishes and fingers crossed for swift recoveries for them all 🤞❤️
Sending you my very best wishes, it's tough and exhausting but you can get through it, try not to think too far ahead, or it gets overwhelming.

I had 5 sick at the same time but at various stages. I wrote a list with names, medications and times and stuck it on a kitchen wall cupboard. I didn't do much other than look after piggies for several weeks. I'm retired so didn't have to work during this time, it must be so much harder for you if you have go out to work. It also helped that I had a team of 4 vets behind me, I was at the clinic every week for 2 months with one or other of them, some weeks more than once or with more than one guinea pig.

In October they had started going down with various conditions plus URIs/pneumonia which had been picked up on the older 2s xrays which they'd had for suspected arthritis. The infection was showing no outward signs at this stage, I didn't pick it up. I had 6 piggies. I younger one approx 14 months didn't catch the URI. His cage mate the same age got over it fairly quickly and had 2 weeks on Baytril. The other's spent various lengths of time on Baytril and syringe feeds from 3 weeks to 2 months. I was syringe feeding one round the clock every 2 hrs for a few days before I could leave him for 5-6 hrs at night with 5 feeds through the day, one 4 times a day and 2 other's with top ups 2 or 3 times a day. Sadly I had to have a 5 year old PTS after a month as he stopped improving and started going backwards.

I unfortunately lost 3 year old Nugget a few weeks later to bloat which was not related to the infection, he had other underlying issues, the vet and I think due to cancer. Nugget had a grease gland tumour removed in January 2022. I was gutted because he had recovered from the operation and then the URI quickly and we had hoped all was well.

Red and Freddie had weepy eyes, I was told to just bathe with saline - no eye drops. You would need to check with your vet if you think they need them.

One of the 4 vets I saw over this time said to draw up the dose of Baytril in the syringe and then top it up with water to dilute the taste. I have never done that and just ignored this advise, my own opinion of this is that Baytril is so strong a taste a bit of water won't disguise it, better to get the undiluted Baytril in quick before they know what's coming and give a treat or the Metacam if they are having that afterwards to take the taste away.

Brillo (4), Red (5), Timmy and Freddie (14 mths) are well now popcorning and zooming and being demanding. Despite Brillo and Red having arthritis in their spines, knees and hips. Brillo was left deaf by the infection (he also had it in his ears) the vet did say it could have damaged a nerve but I think his hearing is coming back as he is now responding a bit to sound.

I will be thinking of you. I'm here as we all are if you need support.
We're picking up the Co-trimoxazole this evening to start immediately. They said this is an equivalent to the discontinued Sulfatrim? I'm not sure what the strength of it is til I pick it up.

Our oldie Oreo, at 975g, has it worst and on her lungs, has been put on 0.3ml twice a day for 14 days.
Cookie, at 1.35kg, the next worse not yet heard in lungs, on 0.4ml twice a day for 10 days.
Effie, at 1.2kg, symptomatic but not yet heard in lungs, on 0.35ml twice a day for 7 days.
Demi and Goldie at 1.1kg no symptoms yesterday on 0.3ml twice a day for 7 days.

Demi and Goldie had the least contact with Nugget but we are treating the whole herd as vet believes they might be carrying it asymptomaticaly or are yet to show symptoms and it could get passed around the herd again and again. I've ordered Science Selective Recovery Plus and Oxbow Critical Care anise arriving tomorrow in case any go off their food. I'm going to give them all Pro C probiotics either 1 hour before or 2 hours after the antibiotics. I have Fibreplex standing by in case they stop eating.

I'm already finding it hard to watch them and keep track of who is eating/drinking. They all are but it's hard to know if it's as much as normal as they're all doing different things at different times and we're both back to work for 9 hours a day tomorrow so we're not here to watch them :'(

I know we're weighing every morning but I'm so worried because Nugget deteriorated so quickly we did not see any weight loss. She also did not show any symptoms except the minuscule amount of nodding. Oreo, Cookie and Effie I have noticed nodding only very seldomly, so I can't tell if they are better or worse. I can be staring at them for ages and see nothing. Then I'll catch one of them doing it out the corner of my eye. I've booked them in to see the same vet on Monday so hopefully they can tell me if they seem better or worse. Honestly feel like I'm losing my mind with worry.

It also makes me sad it wasn't diagnosed in Nugget. Maybe she would have had more of a chance if I could have treated her for the URI as well :(
It's been four days of treatment with co-trimoxazole and I haven't seen any improvement in any of the pigs. Demi who wasn't showing symptoms four days ago is now showing signs of laboured breathing too :( They're all going back to the local vet this afternoon.

I'm going to ask to try a different antibiotic because they should be improving by now? Or would it be an idea to add an extra antbiotic?

Oreo has been on Baytril for 7 days for her UTI as well as co-trimoxazole for the four days so far for the URI so I guess if her lungs are still crackly it suggests neither of these are helping? I think the vet will try doxycycline next from what they said last time. One vet said they would order in the liquid but when I checked this was happening on Friday the receptionist said they only order it when they know they need it so I don't know how long it would take them to get it in so we can start it! I feel like I'm the only one who knows how quickly we should be acting! :(
What a very worrying time for you. I’ve always found azithromycin to be excellent for dealing with respiratory issues. Personally, I don’t like using doxy. I’ve found it has a very negative impact on appetite xx

Ah I don't think I've heard that one mentioned yet. I'll ask the vet about it this afternoon!

Touch wood, all five have kept their appetite and maintaining their weights on co-trimoxazole and Oreo on that as well as Baytril. They don't seem more lethargic than normal.

I noticed Goldie is also rocking now. Her breathing seems more laboured :(

I can't believe all five have got this thing grr.

They did a swab but haven't had results back yet. Hopefully that comes back with a clear result and can identify which one will work. The vets just seem so slow to me. I'm hear worrying and they're telling me to give it time to work but I have read that it's meant to work within a couple of days if it's the right one. I don't want to wait and it gets worse.
Good luck at the vets. Sending healing vibes to your piggies and a hug to you. ❤️
So sorry that you are going through this. Could you speak to the vet about maybe using a nebuliser to help break up mucous in the lungs ? Sending hugs ❤️