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My piggies have started teeth chattering like crazy! I tried distracting them with food but they arent having it! I removed Obama and trying to calm him down! But they are still doing it! I am worried they will fight! They arent really fighting each other but they were standing stiff both of them either side of the cage and teeth chattering! Help! Gomez is currently playing about now Obama has been removed! I picked up Obama as he seemed more scared and is now sitting very still in my lap! PLEASE HELP!
i think if they raise heckles and teeth chatter,chucking a towel over them should calm them down!
Yep - don't put your hands in!

Teeth chattering, along with raised heads, fur standing on end, rumbling and bottom swaying are all pre-fight signs when pigs are trying to establish dominance.

Re-introduce them on neutral territory, take away anything they can fight over (hidey holes etc) and give them two of everything - food bowls etc. so they don't have to fight for resources.

If no blood has been shed I would let them calm down and then re-introduce them tonight

i still have obama snuggled into with a towel he seems better wondering if i should put him bk in yet and how
i have tried to put them back together but the just started again i got gomez this time! They have a big space i dont know what to do ............:0
Did you put them back together somewhere neutral? On the floor where they haven't been... something like that, rather than the cage?

Try that, give them something else to do (give them some nice veg or something)

Some people bath them both so they smell the same again but I've never tried that.

Good luck

thank you ill try them in a new room and see how they get on! I am leave them separated until my hubby comes home! they seem happy for the time being and Gomez is even looking out for Obama but I am not chancing it yet!
I can really sympathize - this happened to our first ever bonded pair and it's so difficult to know what to do for the best. Are they at the stroppy teen stage (anything between 3 months to 15 momths or so?) if so, they may just be testing for dominance. Other things that may set them off are being near females suddenly, change of environment, or simply the hormones kicking in. Sophie's post is great, loads of space, two of everything etc - hay is often a good distractor as well. Don't give up hope yet, even though it's easy to get discouraged - they may just be having an off day and need a bit of time out. Sometimes just a few hours or overnight separation can work wonders (it does with ours at least).

This is a great website: and you may find it helpful to explain why your pigs are doing this and what to expect and the real danger signs.

Best of luck!
They really havent settled down but what we have tried to do is put two of everything................. we are worried if they continue to fight we will have to separate them.................. if this is the case is it a good idea to have them on their own in two separate cages?
Try cleaning the cage and giving them both a bath that way everyone smells the same

Do you think we should separate them tonight? They seem to be less thingy though they are back in their cage but still seem awfy agitated.
I want to say thanks for those who have replied to this thread! We have tried everything that has been suggested except for the bath. Unfortunately Gomez is insisting on going for Obama we don't know why! We have decided to take them to the vet tonight cause we don't want have to keep them separated. The both look absotutly miserable in their separate cages and its breaking our hearts, we want our pigs to be happy so the vet is the best place who have decided we should have them neutered as soon as possible - we don't know if this will work but we don't want to loose them and its not fair on them they way they are living - both are getting increasingly stressed. Please wish them luck!
bathing them should probably come before the vet. I haven't bathed mine often but they hate it... Just going in the bathroom and they try to wriggle out of my arms... It's a particualrly unpleasant experience for some piggies and they find comfort in eachother. Meanwhile, fresh cage so no one goes back to someone else's territory.
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