Help Unhappy Pigs!


New Born Pup
Sep 12, 2017
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Hi I have 2 sisters who are 2,have never been apart. Yesterday they were not happy with each other and had a fight. I separated them when I went to work put them together again when I got home all seemed peaceful then after 20 mins one started squeaking really loudly when the other one came anywhere near her. Which then frightened the other one which led to a bit of chattering teeth and rumbling voices. So separated again. Reintroduced today again all seemed ok after awhile the same thing happened again. Do I leave them to sort it out? (obviously I'm not going to let them hurt one another.) Neither seem poorly in any way. I just don't know what has happened between them and my little girl is distraught that they have fallen out. Thank you.
When you say had a fight, did they draw blood? Quite often the normal dominance behaviours (during seasons especially) can look scary.

Rumbling is normal, please don't separate them unless there is a genuine fight. It might be worth taking them to the vet, particularly is one of being more hormonal than normal.

Otherwise just reintroduce them in a large neutral area with some hay/food/grass etc and no houses/tunnels for an hour or so and then introduce some cardboard boxes with 3+ exits. If you're unsure on the behaviours you're seeing you can video it and show us on here, we're always happy to help! :)

It might be worth reading through the behaviour and introduction sticky threads so you know what to expect and what's normal :)
Thank you for replying.
No they didn't but I intervened as didn't want them to hurt each other. The aggressive one was really cross and even bite me when I picked her up. She never bites!
I have had lots of gp's over the years and this seems more than the normal tiffs that they have. I don't want to separate them but also don't want them to hurt one another when I'm not home.
Thank you for replying.
No they didn't but I intervened as didn't want them to hurt each other. The aggressive one was really cross and even bite me when I picked her up. She never bites!
I have had lots of gp's over the years and this seems more than the normal tiffs that they have. I don't want to separate them but also don't want them to hurt one another when I'm not home.

Generally girls don't just fall out for no reason, have you been to the vet?

If you could take a video of their interactions it would help, it sounds like normal behaviour to me (possibly strong season) to me. All pigs are different and some might be a bit more fiesty than others. When my Tonks goes into season it's like someone's released the kraken, and she's the bottom pig.

It will be harder to reintroduce them but once done properly they should be fine. But I would definitely get them both to the vets to check for illness (ovarian cysts possibly?). Have they lost any weight in the last week?
Generally girls don't just fall out for no reason, have you been to the vet?

If you could take a video of their interactions it would help, it sounds like normal behaviour to me (possibly strong season) to me. All pigs are different and some might be a bit more fiesty than others. When my Tonks goes into season it's like someone's released the kraken, and she's the bottom pig.

It will be harder to reintroduce them but once done properly they should be fine. But I would definitely get them both to the vets to check for illness (ovarian cysts possibly?). Have they lost any weight in the last week?
Thank you, they seemed to have calmed a little. One still squeaking when the other one gets too close but the other one just backs away. Think I will leave them together and see if they sort it out as it's not going to help if I keep separating them.
Thank you, they seemed to have calmed a little. One still squeaking when the other one gets too close but the other one just backs away. Think I will leave them together and see if they sort it out as it's not going to help if I keep separating them.

That sounds great! Glad they've calmed down :) It was probably a strong season that can last a day or two. You're right, keep an eye on them and check them over for injuries but I'd imagine they'll be fine.

The loud squeaking is the sound of submission, Tonks is the bottom of the herd and occasionally screams like she's being murdered if one of the others pushes her out the way :))
Thank you for replying.
No they didn't but I intervened as didn't want them to hurt each other. The aggressive one was really cross and even bite me when I picked her up. She never bites!
I have had lots of gp's over the years and this seems more than the normal tiffs that they have. I don't want to separate them but also don't want them to hurt one another when I'm not home.

I would have your cross girl checked for ovarian cysts or mange mites.
The loud squeaking is the sound of submission, Tonks is the bottom of the herd and occasionally screams like she's being murdered if one of the others pushes her out the way :))
Meg does that and she is the bottom of the herd too. Betsy turns into PSYCHO piggie when she has a season (as some of you will know) and she is normally very calm and lovely..
Not that I've noticed but she may well do. I have outside piggies so a not with them as much as I would be if they lived inside.