Help! - Unbondable Boar?

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Ella's Animals

New Born Pup
Nov 4, 2015
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Hi , urm.. So this week I am going to be getting my first piggy , but he is a male and has been from home to home and 2 rescues , due to the fact he is VERY aggressive to other Guinea pigs , even the rspca has tried to bond him , please help x
Welcome to the forum and congrats on rescuing. Do you know how old he is? Or his background?

Previously aggressive or hormonal piggies can be rehabilitated. Check out the bonding and behaviour thread:section. Don't forget he could just not have found the right friends yet.
Welcome to the forum and congrats on rescuing. Do you know how old he is? Or his background?

Previously aggressive or hormonal piggies can be rehabilitated. Check out the bonding and behaviour thread:section. Don't forget he could just not have found the right friends yet.

Thanks , pretty much he was from a breeder , and lived with his brother , then moved to a home , then another home where he became a school pet , then his brother died , he then moved to a diffirent home where he was tried to bond with a baby piggy and he pretty much , bit , and drew blood , so he was then moved to a rescue were they did this match thing , and the same thing happened he attached the pig , and he was then send to a really bad pet store with no hay , veg . then moved to p@h were I found him ...
sounds like he has been through alot :( sounds to be a scared response to me. hopefully with the right home and time, he will settle and learn that he is safe and loved. once he is in that frame of mind, hopefully he will bond more easily.
Thanks x
sounds like he has been through alot :( sounds to be a scared response to me. hopefully with the right home and time, he will settle and learn that he is safe and loved. once he is in that frame of mind, hopefully he will bond more easily.
When he's settled and trusting you, you may be able to find a rescue near you who will offer 'dates' with other boars, to see if he gets on with any of them. If not then an option could be to neuter him and date him with a sow, as it is likely that he will accept a sow.
Sorry can't help :(

I've got a himi who fell out with his cage mate when we adopted him, he doesn't seem to like boars, we've tried from 6 weeks to to three years old and he seems to trigger something in the other boars that then makes them a bit aggressive with him.. so sadly he's a solo boar that lives next to others. He does like the sows though lol but I don't want to risk having him neutered.
Thanks for r
Sorry can't help :(

I've got a himi who fell out with his cage mate when we adopted him, he doesn't seem to like boars, we've tried from 6 weeks to to three years old and he seems to trigger something in the other boars that then makes them a bit aggressive with him.. so sadly he's a solo boar that lives next to others. He does like the sows though lol but I don't want to risk having him neutered.
thanks I was thinking about getting him neutered but I am not sure x
Yeah I was going to get him neutered, he even went to the vet who was going to do it for an health check but I backed out, I have anxiety disorders so I was worrying way too much and getting overly stressed.
Aww x. I'm very sorry to hear that Xx
Oh ...and he has never had hay before or veg , so will he know what hay is ...or not ? Xx :inn:
Thanks for r

thanks I was thinking about getting him neutered but I am not sure x

Hi and welcome!
Poor boy - that sounds like a real odyssey from bad to worse. No wonder is this boy very upset and agressive to others! have you got a rough idea how old he is?

Could you please add your country, state/province or UK county to your details, as your options and any recommondationdepend to a large extent on your location and access to good rescues and vets.
Bonding at a rescue, neutering and living-alongside to other guinea pigs are all potential options, but without further information I cannot grade my recommendations and - where possible - put you in contact with locally experienced people that might be able to help you further find a satisfactory solution.
Aww x. I'm very sorry to hear that Xx
Oh ...and he has never had hay before or veg , so will he know what hay is ...or not ? Xx :inn:
He should realise what hay is, I would imagine his instinct will kick in when he finds it and being as it's a highly important part of the diet I would put some good quality mixed hay (meadow hay) in straight away.
As for veggies I suggest introducing these in small amounts at first, but please do introduce them. Good ones that are unlikely to upset his stomach are bell peppers and a sprig or two of coriander. He will probably tolerate cucumber and lettuce well too. Don't give up if he doesn't take them at first, he may take a while :)
I think he will give the hay and sniff and then eat it! :D Same as the veg, bless him, at least he's getting an owner who will take care of him.
Awww poor thing, he has had it tough. I do believe that given enough time, the right care you can turn a piggy around. Mowgli a boar whom was part of a large rescue finally found sanctuary at TEAS was bonded with two of my girls, he's had his moment of his bad boy behaviour but he's really settled down and lives with Millie and they get on really well. He's always rumble strutting, he can' walk or run without having a rumble which is funny to watch but he's a lovely thing and settled down even more now it's just Millie with him.

Just be patient.
well done you for taking him on and giving him another chance. Hope you are finding lots of useful information on the forum, we are all here to help so don't worry about asking about things you are unsure of. Give him several weeks to settle in with you before considering the next steps. I am also sure he will eat hay, just offer him plenty of it! Lots of luck and hope you enjoy owning him x
Ok , Friday I am picking him up and he is going to live in a Midwest cage until I get him a friend , he will then be in a shed with a run attached thanks to every one that has replied it really helps, and sorry for so many questions lol x
Ella x
Please don't apologise for the questions, it shows you want to do the best thing :)
Sounds like your boy has had a really rough time so well done for taking him on. There are the odd piggy that are un-bondable but not many. Personally I'd leave him to settle and learn to trust people again as he needs time to learn that everything is ok and that he's not going to be pushed from pillar to post, poor boy. Then you can think about your bonding options. It might just be he needs to feel safe and stable and loved before he feels he can accept anyone. He's been through a lot and it takes time for them to trust again.

If he's not likely to accept a boar friend (and his history suggests he wouldn't but never say never, he might just have not met the right pig yet. Sometimes it can take many attempts to find the right match so don't discount it.) then it is worth considering neutering him and finding him a wife.

Neutering carries the usual operation risks but if done by a vet with good experience and reputation then can be very successful It won't change his behaviour so much, like it would a cat or dog but it will give him the chance to meet a lady pig and often cross gender bonds are much more settled. One of my fosters who attacked other piggies even as a baby has been neutered and recently found a wife that he adores. Previous to that I thought there was little chance of him making a friend as he'd attacked spayed females he'd been tried with and also had a pop at one of my older very laid back boys who I tested him out with. Neutering has enabled him to find his perfect match so maybe that would work for your guy too. I would still use a good rescue for that bonding process though as it is still very reliant on personality to get it right. Not every pig is the right match.

Failing that then the last best option is living alone but in shouting/smelling distance of other piggies so he isn't too lonely. Ideally they should be at least near others of their own kind. People are gret companions but they will never replace another piggy.
I'd let him settle in and get use to you, when he's at the point where he fully trusts you, I'd then think about pairing him up, local rescues have bonding/dating sessions with boars to see if their personalities click, once he's not afraid anymore, he may react nicely towards them, good luck and good on you for taking him on :)
Thanks very much for your long and very useful words they really help . and I will probs get him neutering so he can live with a 'piggy wife' thanks again x

Ella x
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