Junior Guinea Pig
To cut a long story short I have 4 Guinea pigs. 3 boys and a girl I originally had to separate the boys after a nasty fight that drew blood. I then got Rocco neutered and introduced him to sugar which went well. They are now living together in my lounge and the other 2 boys are in the dining room. Trouble is that they know each other are there and they're going crazy. Jo and smudge generally get the run of the dining room bit often we go in and they escape through our feet then terrorize sugar and Rocco through their cage and I came down stairs this morning and sugar and Rocco had managed to get out of their hutch and were trying to get to the others. I don't want to rehome them but they are driving each other and me crazy and they are all irritated with me and each other. Jo and smudge are constantly bar biting too. Any advice please