Help They Are Driving Me Mad!

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Junior Guinea Pig
Dec 31, 2015
Reaction score
west midlands England
To cut a long story short I have 4 Guinea pigs. 3 boys and a girl I originally had to separate the boys after a nasty fight that drew blood. I then got Rocco neutered and introduced him to sugar which went well. They are now living together in my lounge and the other 2 boys are in the dining room. Trouble is that they know each other are there and they're going crazy. Jo and smudge generally get the run of the dining room bit often we go in and they escape through our feet then terrorize sugar and Rocco through their cage and I came down stairs this morning and sugar and Rocco had managed to get out of their hutch and were trying to get to the others. I don't want to rehome them but they are driving each other and me crazy and they are all irritated with me and each other. Jo and smudge are constantly bar biting too. Any advice please :eek:
Gosh, they are clever little minks if they managed to escape from their hutch :eek::eek::eek::eek: could you maybe secure the hutch with an additional form of a ' lock' or whatever you're using atm? Perhaps you could get a play pen instead of them being out in the dining room? Could it be they miss each other ? How old are they?
I have 2 stacked cages and my top piggies hates the bottom piggies so would get out and run over to start trouble. I put a playpen out in front of the bottom cage so they can't get close enough to actually nip through the cage it helped a lot
Oh...sorry I thought boy and girl lived in the lounge and two boys in the dining room, didn't realise they are on ' top
Of each other ' cage are the two boys in separate, stacked up caged and then the mixed couple in another? Piggie politics are so complicated :mal:
Hiya, no they are in separate rooms. I don't think they miss each other because all they did was fight, I think the boys can smell the girl and just want to get to her :hmm:
I think you are best of having a play pen for floor time ... Or lock the door with a huge key hehe! Good luck x
The boys are at their most hormonal stage at the moment, they will be a bit crazy anyway. Add the smell of a girl into the mix and I'm not surprised you are all going mad. Is there another room further away that one group could live in until the boys are a bit older and calmer?
To cut a long story short I have 4 Guinea pigs. 3 boys and a girl I originally had to separate the boys after a nasty fight that drew blood. I then got Rocco neutered and introduced him to sugar which went well. They are now living together in my lounge and the other 2 boys are in the dining room. Trouble is that they know each other are there and they're going crazy. Jo and smudge generally get the run of the dining room bit often we go in and they escape through our feet then terrorize sugar and Rocco through their cage and I came down stairs this morning and sugar and Rocco had managed to get out of their hutch and were trying to get to the others. I don't want to rehome them but they are driving each other and me crazy and they are all irritated with me and each other. Jo and smudge are constantly bar biting too. Any advice please :eek:

Spring and randy boars... It is this time of the year again! :(

Could you perhaps move one pair upstairs for the time being or secure the hutch better?
First mistake was having three boars. Having more than two boars and a fight is bound to break off at one point. Then to add a GIRL? Yeah, drama isn't stopping until you move the two boars faaaarrrr away from the girl. Or rehome a pair of piggies.
PS: Please keep the mixed pair away and out of sight from the boar pair, ideall across the room, below the boars (sow pheromones!) or at least with a divider they can an't see through. I assume that the boar living with the sow is neutered?

8-10 months is one of the most difficault times with teenage boars.
More information in this thread here: Boars: Bullying, Fighting, Fall-outs And What Next?
Thanks for all your advice, I really don't want to rehome but smudge is biting the bars so much he has cut his mouth! They are in separate rooms with a door between them but still going mad. I tried to persuade my OH to get 2 more girls, the boys neutered and let them live as a pack but he thinks I am mad to get more
Don't know if I have read it wrong but are you thinking about neutering the two boys then trying them with two girls as a four?If so this won't work.Even if two boys are neutered they can't both live with the girls.Neutering doesn't stop boys fighting over girls
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