help smelly hutch !

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I started using vetbed a few weeks ago for my outdoor hutch. I change it at least twice a week and sweep out daily. I line the hutch with newspaper and put the vetbed on top ( the bedroom still has layer of paper then shavings and finally hay ). however I have noticed that the paper gets quite wet and now the wood is smelly even though it is disinfected and hosed down during both clean outs ( weather permitting of course ::). Also the piggies smell now so need advice on how to bath them -never tried before so feeling very nervous.

Advice needed urgently!
you might be needing something a bit stronger to disenfect like Trigene its particulary for animals as it kills bugs moulds spores etc there is another one but for the life of me cannot remember it now was only talking about it the other day
I've heard good stuff about trigene, where can you get it? Think I might give it a go especially over the summer when everything gets that extra bit mingy.
With wooden hutches, it is easy for them to smell :-\. It would be a good idea to line the hutch with linoleum or flooring tiles, then put newspaper on top.

If there is nothing protecting the wood, it soaks up the urine and can harbor bacteria. This can make piggie very ill! So its best for piggy, and for the smell if you line it.

To get rid of the smell before you line it, use a strong pet disinfectant and then a cage deoderiser.
I'm not experienced with bathing any of my pigs but Bella had so much wee on her the other day that I gave her her very first unexpected bath, I just ran a small amount of water in the bowl and she happily stood in it and trotted round and I used my cupped hands to gently pour the soapy water over her (actually I didn't do her face and the top half of her body, will do that next time), she didn't mind at all but didn't like being towel dried much, she squeaked like mad! Think she quite enjoyed her blow dry though (low heat)! Others more experienced in piggy bathing will be able to help more I expect, good luck anyway :)
Thanks will look out for Trigene and put down lino to line the hutch when its back to smelling fresh.

Any tips on the bathing of piggies ? They need to go and get thier nails done but don't want the vet to think I'm not looking after them proberly :embarassed:
Where abouts do you live? There might be someone nearby that can help you.
There are two ways to bath a pig.

The Shower Method

Place the piggy in the bottom of the shower, or in the bathtub.
Take of the showerhead so you just have a hose.
Take the shower off its high up stand so you can have it in your hand to control where the water goes.
Turn the shower on but only turn the tap a small way so there is little pressure from the water.
Make sure the water is warm but not hot.
Rinse piggie all over, and rub in some animal shampoo, keep the shampoo away from eyes and nose.
Face piggie away from you and run your fingers through the hair on his bum, with the shower rinsing the hair.
Lift him up slightly and do the same to his belly.
To do his face, turn the heat down slightly, and lift him up so he is facing you, and is leaning with his paws on the side of the bath.
Turn the pressure down a bit so you have a little bit off water coming from the spout.
Clean downwards toward his ears, being careful not to get any water in his nose.
In this position you can also clean his chest, paws and butt.
Rinse off all the shampoo and either towel dry or use the hair dryer on a low heat.

The Tub Method

Fill a tub/sink with warm water.
lower piggie in making sure that he doesn't panic and slip.
Restrain him if he tries to escape.
with a cup or cupped hands pour warm water on him, rinsing his coat.
Run shampoo through his fur thoroughly.
Take piggy out and put him in the bath while you refill the sink or tub.
Rinse him off in the fresh water.
Drain the sink or tub and use a cup to get the rest of the shampoo out.
Towel or hair dry.

The tub method is not advised for face cleaning
I put about an inch or 2 in the bath so that the end way from the plug hardly has any water and they can stand there while I pour the warm water from the deeper end over them with a cup.. seems to work OK, they try to climb up my arm but don't seem to panic.
Thanks for the advice will let you know how I get on.

Live in Moray (the North East of Scotland for anyone not sure where that is ;D)
I've just cleaned my hutches with Formula H ,I bought it from the Thistle Cavies website,I ordered that and two other things 2 days ago and they were here this morning,brill service!The hutches now smell divine,the rescue is in Perth too!,thats Scotland not Aussie!
Their website is
Someone gave me the link on the forum earlier this week,so thanks v much ;)
Plus the fact you are helping a very worthy cause by ordering from them,have a look
I think for the first bath its better to use the bath so theres no way of jumping out and you can remain in control :)
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