Help re: siting boars in a C&C set-up

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Junior Guinea Pig
Sep 13, 2009
Reaction score
Tyne and Wear, UK
I wrote a few weeks ago about the possibility of having 2 separate C&C cages, with a pair of boys in 1 cage and a group of girl/neutered boy in the one alongside. I was advised that this wouldn't be a good idea as it could cause hostility amongst the boys but can the same be said if their cage was sat above the girls?

I'm intending on having a 6x3 or 6x4 cage over 2 levels for the girls with a smaller 4x3, 1 level cage for the boys.

Do you think it would cause a problem if their cage was sat separately on the third level? They wouldn't be able to see the girls due to the correx.

I don't have any piggies yet but 2 separate sets of piggies have stolen my heart (3 sows/neutered boar and a pair of boars) and I would love to be able to give them all a home but the best way to arrange a C&C that would allow this is troubling me.

Can anyone offer any advice? a 6x4 cage is the maximum I can stretch to so I couldn't put the boys cage any distance from the girls, so it'd either have to be finding a compromise of where to put the cage which wouldn't jeopardise the welfare and happiness of the boys of just having to say that I can't take them in at all.

Please help.

Donna. x
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