Hi guys, I bought 2 Guinea pigs from the pet store a couple months ago and they were supposed to be males but one turned out to be female. We did not know she was a girl up until 3 days ago. We thought she was bloated so we were giving her gripe water and I didn’t give her veggies for a day and a half. Well I checked her privates and found out so we figured she must be pregnant. We took her to the vet for an X-ray and it turns out she is pregnant with 3 babies and she is now 44 days along. I feel terrible about not giving her veggies for that small amount of time and I’m so worried that it could have effected her. Does anyone here know if that will cause any concerns in her pregnancy? I also noticed that she hasn’t been drinking water at all but I have been giving her a little bit of extra veggies since she’s pregnant. I’m very worried about her not drinking water but she is eating everything else just fine. I’m hoping that she’s getting enough veggies from the water at least. Is there any one here that could help me or tell me if they think anything could be wrong? When we took her to the vet they said she looked healthy but I’m still very concerned. I really hope I didn’t hurt her by not giving her veggies for a day and a half. Any replies will help! Thank you so much!
Hi and welcome
The need to drink comes before the need to eat so as long as your girl is eating, she will also drink as much as she needs, which can vary enormously from piggy to piggy. Please be aware that the more water you give in terms of veg, the less water she will drink. The time off fresh food won't have damaged your babies.
More information on drinking and on a balanced hay based diet:
All About Drinking And Bottles
A good general diet with unlimited grass hay and preferably green veg and especially limited pellets once she is showing/getting large is the best pregnancy preparation - you are aiming for an ideal birth weight not large babies with a small mother.
We haven't seen any difference in births of surprise babies and known pregnancies, to be honest. The actual extra needs are very small and to a very good extent already covered by a good diet. The real difference comes with pregnancies from sows from a neglect/malnutrition background, who really need all the help they can get.
Please take the time to read our diet advice:
Long Term Balanced General And Special Needs Guinea Pig Diets
Here is the access link to our comprehensive step-by-step pregnancy, birth and mother/baby care information, which we have specifically written for owners without experience. You will hopefully find it very helpful as 15 years experience with new owner pregnancies and all the little practical issues they come up against have gone into the information collection. You may want to bookmark the link as it is going to accompany you for several weeks and you may want to refer back as you go along:
Pregnancy, Mother & Baby Care Guides
Please be aware that your girl may be further along than you think if she has been together with your boy during transport to the shop and during her time in the shop. An average first pregnancy is around 70 days but like natural human birth you can never predict it exactly.
How are you keeping your boy right now? Please make sure that you separate now in case you have got the birth date wrong; it has happened before. Sows come into season again within hours of giving birth.
We have also very helpful practical general how-to collections which you may find both interesting and useful on a wide range of topics; again they are useful for bookmarking:
Getting Started - Essential Information for New Owners
Comprehensive Owners' Practical and Supportive Information Collection
Please keep any further questions, concerns and updates to this your dedicated specially monitored ongoing support thread in the pregnancy section.
Unlike social media we can provide personalised longer term support and do not rely on starting lots of new posts. The designated monitors are the ones with the badge in the signature, whose experience and knowledge we trust. Apart from me, they are experienced rescue fosterers.
What helps both us and you is to keep all the information together so we can refer back and refresh our memory over the space of several weeks. You can either bookmark this thread, find it by looking through the pregnancy section or pick it up via the Find Thread/your threads button when you enlarge the top bar via the three horizontal bars icon when you come onto the forum.
Thank you.