Help please

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Jul 4, 2008
Reaction score
Bromsgrove (near birmingham)
As some of you know i collected my new rescue piggies today Meg and Squirrel. Meg is very confident and comes over to the side of the cage to say hi, whereas Squirrel is very nervous.
I am worried though as everytime Meg goes near Squirrel she rumbles at her extremely loud. I am not sure how long they have been together but i am worried incase it turns into a fight.
Is this normal? Or should i separate them?

Any help would be great.:)p
Hi Chez,

Aww can't wait for snaps. Yep it's normal although she could be in Season that is why she is rumbling. Give them time they will settle down. No teeth chattering then?

Sorry to have missed you on MSN last night, I was away from puter watching BB! Catch up soon, I hope. :)

They probably have been together at rescue, I can't see them falling out really. They should be ok just getting used to everything around them, bless them. :)
Have they settled now Chez? Meg was in season when I dropped them off yes, poor Squirrel unfortunately had lots of unwanted attention LOL!

They are happy together though, no fighting etc here and they'd been together for at least 2 months before coming to you :)
my bethany and pheobe rumblestrut a lot! it was funny to see little beth who was teenytiny when they first all went in together as she was rumblestrutting everything, even bits of veg! i think it's just saying "hey,i'm the boss around here!" but sometimes it's not very convincing!
thanks everyone. they are really well settled now bless them. And i dont know *** squirrel would do without Meg. she follows her everywhere when there on the floor its lovely to see. There gettin alot betta and squirrel is now started to eat out of my hand. takes a while for her to get courage to do it and meg has to show her its safe 1st but shes doin really well so I'm pleased. :) Thanks Beks for these beautiful girls!
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