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Help please


New Born Pup
Feb 18, 2023
Reaction score

Hi ! Recently I lost my two guinea pigs. The last one I have lost just an hour ago she was 5 years old but had a lot of health problems and I am just heartbroken since she was the piggy that knew me the best and I loved her to the moon and back. That is why I am so scarwd of what I had just noticed on my little one. She is only a month old and has those two bald spots like the photo. I am taking her to the vet on Thursday but could you at least propose any ideas to ease my mind a little until then because I have suffered terrible losses both in guinea pigs and people I loved that I am scared beyond my mind. Can it also be treated with some type of cream rather than antibiotics? I have had horrible experiences with antibiotics so I just wanna know id there are any other options. Thanks!
I’m so sorry for your losses.

It could be a fungal infection, potentially ringworm - only a vet can diagnose. If so then no I can’t be treated with a cream (it’s the ineffective, outdated way of dealing with ringworm and runs the risk of the outbreak continuing time after time) , it also can’t be treated with antibiotics. If it is ringworm then it needs to be treated with anti fungal medication and for you to undertake strict hygiene.
I can’t remember is there is an age limit on the oral medication which is most effective and whether she is actually too young to have it. The next effective method are dips and baths.
Ringworm is transmissible humans so wear gloves when handling her, wash your hands and change your clothes after you touch her and watch yourself for signs of it.
If ringworm is diagnosed then you need to make sure you disinfect the cage and surrounding area thoroughly, throw away anything which can’t be washed. Ringworm spores are shed into the environment and can live there for up to two years causing repeated infection so the hygiene is so important.

This guide explains more and will help you if ringworm is diagnosed. There are different types of fungal infection and there is also a chance this is not fungal and is parasitic instead (which needs to be treated with the correct strength anti parasite medication) but given how transmissible ringworm is, please keep on top of the hygiene until you know otherwise.

Ringworm: Hygiene, Care And Pictures