Help please


New Born Pup
Jul 9, 2023
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I have two teen male guinea pigs that don't get along. One if them keeps biting on the separator (they are neighbors), grabbing it with his teeth and pulling as hard as her can trying to get through. he is being very consistent with this and not approaching it with gentleness at all. I don't know what to do, it is very forceful and I'm nervous that hes going to hurt himself.
Bar biting is something that happens sometimes.
It may have been exacerbated because you put the piggies together yesterday.

Try covering the bars with a blanket and give him enrichment elsewhere in the cage.
The bars may need to be covered for a few days, and you then slowly start to remove the covers if he settles
You could also cover with a piece of cardboard. Leave it there for some time and see if he is okay with it removed.
I have two teen male guinea pigs that don't get along. One if them keeps biting on the separator (they are neighbors), grabbing it with his teeth and pulling as hard as her can trying to get through. he is being very consistent with this and not approaching it with gentleness at all. I don't know what to do, it is very forceful and I'm nervous that hes going to hurt himself.


It is normal behaviour after you put them together yesterday for the more dominant boar wanting to take over the territory of his mate. Please give it time; it will die down again ance he realises that he can't.

Please read the entry under 'Territorial Behaviours' in this link here. Most owners are not aware that guinea pigs are territorial even though you see a lot of it in fallen out boars living next to each other or in groups living in adjoining cages.
A - Z of Guinea Pig Behaviours