hiya my two boars have had fight at sometime in the last few days and one of them has a cut on he ear and is quite big! is there anything like cream or something that i can get to put on the ear?i have spilt them up at the momemt!!
When we first got our girls Alice had a sore on her ear, we werent sure if it was from a fight or she had just caught it on something. The vet said to get some aloe vera gel from the chemists or holland and barratt. it worked well. hope this helps.
If it's been sometime in the last few days, I assume it seems to be healing alright?
Ears bleed a lot when damaged - it usually looks worse than it is! A couple of years ago my sow Maru had hers ripped in two and there was blood everywhere. For ears, the best thing to do is bathe it in a saline solution (warm salty water) to clean the wound, and keep him in a cage in the house bedded on towels (not woodshavings because the flakes may stick the wound) until it heals. His body will "knit" the split back together - not perfectly, but enough to stop it bleeding and allow it to heal up completely. When his ear is not scabby and the split seems to be healed, he can go back home.
If it looks swollen or infected he needs to see the vet and you'll probably get given some Baytril (antibiotic) to clear it up. Guinea pigs eat their own poo and rummage around in their bedding, so their teeth aren't terribly clean and sometimes bite wounds do become infected where the dirty teeth have caused an infection in the wound.
Beware however, that sometimes after a boar fight, they won't live together anymore. I hope your two will kiss and make up!
Ears heal quite easily and often without attention. A lot of my rescues have had torn ears because of fighting and received no attention from previousowners. Generally they scab over and a little tear or frill will be left Unless they're show pigs its not a problem
If i found any cuts i would use ore boiled and then cooled water with a little bit of salt to the water and bathe a couple of times a day
Sending healing wheeks :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
thank you everyone your help was needed lucky today i check his ear and it seems to be healy nicey and hopefuly they will stay firends!! :they in the same hutch at the moment but so far no more fights
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