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Junior Guinea Pig
May 4, 2016
Reaction score
London uk
I need a bit of help I've had my 2 boys now for a week but I have noticed that Peppa looks like he is nipping George there are no bite marks but every time there is food or George gets in his way he does it, George jumps out the way when this happens but is this something I need to worry about. I'm new to owning guinea pigs please help
I need a bit of help I've had my 2 boys now for a week but I have noticed that Peppa looks like he is nipping George there are no bite marks but every time there is food or George gets in his way he does it, George jumps out the way when this happens but is this something I need to worry about. I'm new to owning guinea pigs please help
With boars its always best to have two bowls of food so they don't have to fight over them. Do read the forum guide on boar companionship it has lots of good tips.
With boars its always best to have two bowls of food so they don't have to fight over them. Do read the forum guide on boar companionship it has lots of good tips.
Yes I have its when I hand feed them veg
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