help please ?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 10, 2012
Reaction score
Rothwell Northamptonshire
Hi just a quick question, I have a male who is on his own at the moment, he is a very sweet piggie who is everyones friend (so it seems) unfortunately he has been attacked by others. I had a single female and her cage was put next to his by my partner when I was out, when I saw them they were squashed up to the bars and thats how they have been since (we are talking a few months not hours). I was planning on getting him done and bonding them but in the meantime I fostered a baby girl who was very sad and withdrawn so I tried her with my female and she is doing fine. I really want to put my male in when he done but so many people have said it not worth it find him male company that I don't know what to do? Part of me wants to avoid an op but I am worried that now he been near girls he may be nasty to another boar. Would this be likely if I remove girls to another room? What would you do as I am going round in circles x
If you have the room, I would maybe look at taking him a rescue that does boar dating and try to bond him with another male and keep them together in another room. However if you can't then neutering is the other option if he is young enough.
Thanks for the reply, he is 14 months. I just feel that if I could find him a male friend it would save me the worry of ops, i was just worried about him attacking a male now he been so close to a female. Does anyone know any good rescues that does boar dating in or near Northants x
I don't know if Debbie at The Excellent Adventure Sanctuary could help, she's based in Northants ?
If you do find a rescue and a suitable, compatible boar for your boy, make sure you don't have the boys too close to the girls :(
Single boars are great company for sows (neutered of course) and the great thing is you can add more girls if possible whereas boys are better in pairs.
I have a little boy with his three wives and the dynamics are amazing within the group - I wish my other girls weren't such Diva's as I would have more needy boys :)
Here is a map of the Piggy Bank approved rescues so you can see which are the closest to you.,-1.230469&spn=6.775737,19.753418

I have a female and a male together. And a herd of 5 males. He won't be nasty to another male if they're compatible, it shouldn't matter that he's been near the girls. Boar dating is a very good idea, and so is neutering and putting him with the girls. I would try whichever works bets for you first. If you do go for a male friend for him you can keep the girls in the same room but keep the cages well apart and never let them use the same play area. The smells from the girls will cause trouble between your boys. My male and female live in a cage high above a pen. The pen houses my 5 males, all my piggies are happy. Let us know what you decide to do and how you get on x
You have one of the best neutering and guinea pig vets in the whole country well within your reach in Northampton, so in your case, I would strongly recommend thinking about having your boy neutered so he can live happily with both girls after a 6 weeks wait (I have a baby from a supposedly safe over 5 weeks neutered boar; not one of mine, I may add). I am using him myself for any ops especially on my older piggies. As he and your older girl seem to have a very soft spot for each other, I would think that things should work out well for you that way!
Simon Maddock at Cat & Rabbit Care Clinic:
You have one of the best neutering vets in the whole country well within your reach in Northampton, so in your case, I would strongly recommend thinking about having your boy neutered so he can live happily with both girls after a 6 weeks wait (I have a baby from a supposedly safe over 5 weeks neutered boar; not one of mine, I may add). I am using him myself for any ops especially on my older piggies. As he and your older girl seem to have a very soft spot for each other, I would think that things should work out well for you that way!
Simon Maddock at Cat & Rabbit Care Clinic:
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