help please for naughty boys !

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Junior Guinea Pig
Mar 13, 2011
Reaction score
ok so i have 2 boys of about 4.5 to 5 months old,they are great little boys but can be very naughty,sometimes they both love a stroke and a cuddle for 5 mins and sometimes they hate it ! both also nip at me when its time to be put back or wriggle around like a snake so back they go!
now one boy seems to be very sensative to the touch down his sides,like when you stroke a dog in certain areas and his head starts going as if he wants to get to the bit you are stroking ! they both finished a xeno course for mites a month or so ago and show no other signs of mites ie lots of scratching,hair loss etc so I'm kind of ruling mites out,,maybe he is just sensitive ? like i say sometimes he likes a good stroke ! they both give sort of a little squeeking noise when i rub their shoulders and necks I'm sure they like it but i hope its not a sound of distress !
now my other boy skiddy can be a little , he also likes cuddles sometimes and other times not but he has gone for my hand a few times when he is in his cage ? like a mini charge and sometimes a bite ?
are they just young boys and will their behavior get better ?

please help
hello sorry to bump but after reading a million pages online I'm going to do another xeno course just in case it is mites,does anyone know how long after one 3 part course i can start another 3 part course ?
Some piggies just don't like to be cuddled. They would rather be left alone. I'm gonna say bribe them with food. Food does wonders with these little fella's. A way to a piggies heart is through his stomach for sure. Give it a try. All their favorite foods. Sometimes they want to be cuddled and sometimes not it sounds like to me.
Some piggies just don't like to be cuddled. They would rather be left alone. I'm gonna say bribe them with food. Food does wonders with these little fella's. A way to a piggies heart is through his stomach for sure. Give it a try. All their favorite foods. Sometimes they want to be cuddled and sometimes not it sounds like to me.

yeah the food thing works,,if have food I'm the best and as soon as its gone ...bam leave me alone giant ! haha
they are good 90% of the time so its all good mostly !
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