Help! Piggies Not Getting On?!

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New Born Pup
Jan 17, 2016
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Hi everyone, I'm new to the forum and am in need of some advice!
I got 2 boy Piggies yesterday from a local rescue, when they got here I left them to settle but did occasionally speak to them. Today there cage needed cleaning due to their pee going through megazorb to newspaper. So I got them both out and put them in their very big play pen. I noticed over the 15 minutes of them being in the playpen they were taking it in turns to chase each others bums, one would approach the other which would then jump, one was chewing the others hair, there were some teeth chattering along with other noises which I wasn't sure what they were. Other than this there was no biting. So I've since put them back in their cage and they are both in their bed, I haven't heard anything from them apart from a minute ago I heard a bang from their bed and I think a slight bit of teeth chattering. I just need some advice on what to do please! :(
I will also mention, the boys are the same age; the rescue did a big rescue of Guinea pigs and got some ages mixed up meaning they accidentally put 2 boys together which are the same age. They have been fine at the rescue and had gotten along their, I am awaiting a reply from the rescue in regards to this. Earlier on today my dad had to do some unplanned work in our bathroom due to a leak meaning he was making a ton of noise? Could this be the reason the piggies are fighting? The rescue said there isn't a clear dominant piggie and that both show dominance. One is more confident and the other is definitely more nervous with me
What you are witnessing is normal dominance behaviour, as your boys are establishing a new hierarchy in new territory. Let them settle down and make sure that you have to got two of each, hideys, bowls, bottles and access to hay. Don't try to interfere, please unless they ARE fighting, and then only when wearing an oven glove.

Please read these threads here; they will explain a lot of what is going on.
Dominance Behaviours In Guinea Pigs
Boars: A guide to successful companionship.
Introducing And Re-introducing Guinea Pigs
Boars: Bullying, Fighting, Fall-outs And What Next?
So should I not try holding them or interacting? What should I do next when I need to clean there cage?
Both have just been out eating veggies together so I am feeling a little bit better.
I have owned Guinea pigs before but not for many years so this is all new to me. Thanks for your advice and reassurance!
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