Help Non Stop Squeaky Pig!

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Junior Guinea Pig
Apr 10, 2015
Reaction score
United Kingdom - West Midlands
Hi all I need help of what to do, I have just adopted another guinea pig, her name is Elsa. I already had a guinea pig before her Billy'Pig and he was adopted as well. I introduced them slowly on the floor, with a towel just in case it kicked off, but my Billy'Pig wanted to just mount Elsa and the poor thing didn't want that, but now everytime I leave the room or Elsa makes a noise he squeaks loudly! They are in separate cages, but can anyone help, thank you
He knows she is there and the smell of a female will be sending him a little excited. Was the bonding all mounting? Just checking he is neutered too - yes?
Hmmm, maybe worth trying bonding again. Tagging Wiebke in i have no experience boar to sow bonding @Wiebke
Hi all I need help of what to do, I have just adopted another guinea pig, her name is Elsa. I already had a guinea pig before her Billy'Pig and he was adopted as well. I introduced them slowly on the floor, with a towel just in case it kicked off, but my Billy'Pig wanted to just mount Elsa and the poor thing didn't want that, but now everytime I leave the room or Elsa makes a noise he squeaks loudly! They are in separate cages, but can anyone help, thank you

Hi and welcome!

Is Billy'Pig a sow or a neutered boar? Please double check the gender of any piggy before you bond. You'd be amazed how many people are not aware of the proper sex of their piggies! Sexing Guinea Pigs: How to Sex a Guinea Pig

Mounting is mild dominance behaviour, especially when one of the sows is in season. Loud squeaking is submission squeaking during bonding.

Please take the time to read through our very detailed bonding guide. You may find it helpful in understanding and judging what is going on; from what I can see, things were going in the right direction. Illustrated Bonding / Dominance Behaviours And Dynamics

PS: Has Elsa been quarantined by the rescue you have adopted her from? All rescues we recommend have a mandatrory quarantine and pregnancy watch, but as anybody can themselves a rescue without a license or a check involved, results can be according.
Hi there just tried them again, a fight occurred but luckily a towel was on hand and no blood was drawn! But yeah both adopted from RSPCA and Billy'Pig is male and neutered but Elsa isn't but thank you for the help
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