cage mate issues.

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Adult Guinea Pig
Jun 26, 2011
Reaction score
Bathgate, Scotland
Help....... A fight broke out. All seemed ok on their first date on saturday. They spent 3hours together with just the normal dominance stuff, bum waging humping etc. So I brought little Harry (new rescue piggie) home and put them both in the big cage without the divide as advised, so Theo didnt associate the cage as his.
Theo was the dominant one constantly pestering new mate, which after a 3 hour date the rescue were certain they were ok to go home together.
As soon as in the massive undivided cage, which was thoroughly cleaned out and descented before Harry and Theo were put in( I was advised to take the divide down) . However the behaviour was different and Theo was constantly hounding new cage mate harry, not givbing him a minutes peace. I think Harry just got fed up and eventually went for him and drew blood. Theo did run off after, it did take two full days before Harry lost his rag.
Is there any way to rescue this situation?? Or should I ring the rescue and try for another boar? My mum wants me to return Harry before I get to attached as the idea was to find a new mate for Theo, not to end up with two divided piggies. I cant help but feel its my fault because Harry was chattering fromt he inside of hsi pigloo so I thought it best to take them out incase it led to a row and now I think i was wrong maybe he was just seeking some peace and quiet. I feel its all my fault. Is it too late?
I know it sounds really selfish but I miss Alvin, hsi last cage mate so much, he only dies last tuesday. The last thing I wanted was to deal with another fighting pair of boars. I just wanted the best for wee lonely Theo and now he is seperated again with a sore bitten lip. I feel awful, really awful, I really like Harry but maybe it is best to return him and get mates that they can both properly live with.
Advice please please please? Is there a procedure I should follow, Bath, neutral territory for a few hours a day and progress to a shared cage? I really want to know how to give them the best possible chance to get on.

:( :( :(
I'm sorry this has happened. I don't know what to advise really. Have you spoken to the rescue at all?

If you want to go ahead with bonding, then have them in the divided cage, then swap them round each day to get used to the smells to start with. A long bonding is possible with some boars but it could be that your 2 aren't meant to be friends.

Hopefully Suzy will be around later, she might have some more useful thoughts. x
Sounds like it's quite common for pigs not to get on. I've four sows and one in particular constantly harasses the rest. I always thought pigs were sociable creatures.
Thank you, I spoke to Wendi at thistle cavies today and she was brilliant. I'm going to swap them sides every day for at least two weeks, then bath and place on neutral ground with vicks as suggested and see how it goes. I'm going to let them have some daily time apart though at first, so that things dont built up.
Wendi suggested because Theo backed off then all my not be lost but I'm not going to hold out hope. There was other boars at the rescue I got Harry from so worst case scenario I have to take him back, poor wee soul :(. I handled him for the first time yesterday and found a massive scar on his side, from a previous fight. The rescue said he had been in fights before when he lived with his previous owner and shared with 5 piggies but that he was seperated but they believed he was the wrong pig to be blame. I hope so much can get them together I really like little Harry, he such a hansome piggy andhe was in the rescue alone from March :(.
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