Help needed- rebonding


New Born Pup
Sep 10, 2012
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I adopted 2 young (quite skittish) female guinea pigs about a month ago and it turned out one was pregnant (Belle). With advice from the vets, I separated the 2 when she looked ready to give birth. I did this and after a day she gave birth to 3 pups. It’s been about 5 days and the other piggie (Boo) has become even more skittish than before. I’m trying to hold her and give her lots of veggies but she just won’t let me. She stays in the hidey all day and barely comes out. The cages are right next to eachother and they can stand to look/smell the other.

A) when is best to put them together? I did a little time together today

B) How do I get Boo to become more trusting? I’m doing the whole hold a treat or veggie by the hidey thing but she just won’t come out and I don’t want to stress her further.

This is a completely new situation for me so any advice would be super!
Did the vet advise to separate just because they thought it was the thing to do?
If the two were ok together and mum was happy to have her companion with her, then separating sows is not advised.

The guides below will help you with information on dealing with a surprise pregnancy.
The second guide has a section on how to keep the relationship between separated sows alive and how to go about rebonding them.

Guinea-pig-mother-and-baby-care-post-birth, nursing-and-weaning

Settling in a nervous piggy in can take quite a lot of time, moreso if she has been separated from her friend, she is likely to be feeling even more anxious.
All you can do is follow the piggy whispering tips below, and try to get her back with her friend as soon as mum will allow.

Understanding Prey Animal Instincts, Guinea Pig Whispering and Cuddling Tips