Help Needed Please - Grass Seeds

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Adult Guinea Pig
Dec 25, 2014
Reaction score
Lancashire, UK
Hi everyone,

I recently purchased some Miracle Grow all purpose grass seeds with the intention of growing some grass in a tray for my boys. I didn't realise when I bought the box that it had miracle grow pellets in the seed mix to nourish the seeds as they grow. Will the grass be ok for my boys once it's grown, or should I bin it and get something else? I tried to get the Wilkinsons All/General Purpose Grass seeds that people had mentioned in my other post, but I couldn't see any in the shop. Some seed mixes said that they had Rye grass in them, what's that? Is that Piggy safe? Can anyone tell me the names of good, safe brands that I can just buy online (in case the one I have isn't suitable).

Thanks in advance :)
Shouldn't be a problem. Rye grass is a hard wearing grass.
Generally you should wait around 6 weeks after any kind of lawn treatment, which is what these seeds could have. It may be best to try getting normal law seed from asda or tesco and growing naturally. I wouldn't be happy with anything that has possibly chemicals in it. I picked up general purpose lawn seed today from asda, a big box for £3 :)
Right ok, I'll see if anyone in the family wants it and I'll buy a new box of seeds. Yeah it doesn't say whether the seeds have been treated or not, so I'd better not risk it. :)
Generally you should wait around 6 weeks after any kind of lawn treatment, which is what these seeds could have. It may be best to try getting normal law seed from asda or tesco and growing naturally. I wouldn't be happy with anything that has possibly chemicals in it. I picked up general purpose lawn seed today from asda, a big box for £3 :)
having been recommended growing grass in another thread I am going to get some of these from Asda too, don't know why I never thought of that myself - thanks again GPF members! :clap:
I second the link biscandmatt gave you. I have several packets of their seeds sown again for this summer, having grown some over the winter months the buns and piggies. The piggies seem to really enjoy the variation of grasses :).
Are the asda seeds safe them from the start or do you have to wait 6 weeks?
If you do a tray, does that mean your guineas can have access to grass all year and so don't need to slowly get used to grass again?
The Asda plain grass seeds are fine for them to eat as soon as the grass grows as there aren't any chemicals in them. As for your second question, I'm not sure. I've just been letting my boys have the grass tray in their cage for a few hours until all the grass in the tray in cropped right down, then I take the tray out and let the grass regrow.
I planted up 4 seed trays with grass in general purpose compost which will have some plant food in it anyway. It takes weeks (can't remember how long) for the grass to come up so any nasties in the compost should have gone by the time it's long enough for the piggies to eat. I let mine have a tray every two or three days to start with in the winter but the grass doesn't grow very quickly so ended up only giving it to them once a week. I grew mine in the greenhouse which helped growth a bit, I also cut it with scissors in the beginning and just gave a handful to get them used to grass, this also helps establish root growth otherwise they could pull it out by the roots if they get too enthusiastic when grazing. I give mine a tray now every few days if it rains for days on end and they can't go out just to keep their digestion used to grass. I used Wilkinsons mixed general purpose grass seed.
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