Help needed fighting guinea pigs

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Hi everyone please could someone help me.

i have to guinea pigs (both male asfar as i no), there not siblings but have always been kept together.
cleaning them out the other day and noticed my little pinky had blood on him there was blood all over there hay aswell it seems that my other pompom wont let pinky in to there house he has to sleep out side, there is also some rather strange noises like a vibrating from inside them.

what is causing this behaviour.

cheers x
Have you found out where the blood was coming from? The rumbling noise would be a dominance thing - probably Pompom dominating Pinky. If you find a cut/mark on Pinky then they have been fighting.

It is possible for boys to rumble at each other and still get along fine. Check Pinky for marks and make sure what's happened. It's likely they will fight again and you may have to seperate them. Keep a very close eye on them. If it appears they haven't been fighting, it might be worthwhile getting two of everything so that they don't have to share.

Some boys fight, how old are they? If blood has been drawn you will more than likely have to seperate them. Do they have any injuries on them?

If not the blood could have come from their urine and could indicate a wate rinfection, or bladder stones.

If they are rumbling at one another that is a dominance thing and they are trying to establish rank. :)

I'm not to sure as to howold they are on a guess maybe 10-11 months.

Pinky has a slight nik on his side, a little patch of hair missing from his leg and he had blood on his foot.

If it was a dominance thing will they sort it out, i am thinking of seperating them as i dont want to leave them on there own I'm affriad pompom will really hurt pinky.

Thank you for your reply x
To be honest if it was dominance I'm sure they would have sorted it out by now. It sounds like Pompom is bullying Pinky. Do they have 2 of everything?
depending on how old they are i think pom pom is just telling pinky that he is the boss. like louise suggested have 2 of everything and perhaps have a hidey hole that only pinky can get into to get away from gpom pom when need be. hoping things settle down, just keep watching them and make sure that the fighting doesn't get out of hand. but if you want to protect pinky give him an escape route that pom pom can't get too. sending hugs and cuddles to you and your boys. :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
they dont have two of every think at the moment i will try that tho.

thank you all for your replys

emily xx
Have they settled down yet? Another option is to get some Dog Appeasing Pheremone? (DAP) you can get it in a travel spray form if you spray it sparingly on the cage sides it can help calm fighting boars. I hope they are doing ok :tickedoff:
pinkyandpom said:
Hi everyone please could someone help me.

i have to guinea pigs (both male asfar as i no), there not siblings but have always been kept together.
cleaning them out the other day and noticed my little pinky had blood on him there was blood all over there hay aswell it seems that my other pompom wont let pinky in to there house he has to sleep out side, there is also some rather strange noises like a vibrating from inside them.

what is causing this behaviour.

cheers x

aww... poor thing, My female CIndy does this to my neitered male, Wilson...
Poor Mr. Wilson has to sleep outside in the tunnel and she gets the nice cosy house...

Hope they are okay now :)
Sorry for the late reply.

My mum has got another gage now so they no longer live 2gether, my folks had a piggie each on there laps and they just flew for each other my mums husband ended up with one hanging off his jumper and they other had biten him and was clinging on.

They now have to spend half a day out side each they take in turns lol.
really sorry for your boys falling out with eachother. when i read your last post it put a funny picture in my mind of the 2 piggies diving at eachother like killer pigs or swords/guns at dawn. 2funny 2funny 2funny i am sorry for laughing i know it is a serious matter for you, will you be getting a friend each for your boys or get them or one desexed or wait and see how the boys go? hoping your father/stepfather has recovered from the shock of the attack. :tickedoff: :tickedoff: :tickedoff: :o :o :o sending you and your little spitfires hugs and cuddles :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: and the girls send your boys :-* :-* :-* and by the way welcome to the forums from me and the girls in oz! :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: hoping pinky and pom pom behave soon just a teenage phase-too many hormones! :tickedoff: :tickedoff: :tickedoff:
What a shame you had to seperate, we had to do this with ours last year as well, but if they flew at each other, you have definately done the right thing!
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