Help Needed - Fallen Out Boars!

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New Born Pup
May 4, 2014
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Hi there,
I have two male guinea pigs 7 months old. Very happy together, the shy one was the dominant one. However yesterday the less dominant started attacking the dominat one who's is now scratched bruised and scared. I have separated them for there own saftey. I'm assuming there hormones going mad or something. Will they ever grow out of it, or is that it? Also will they be ok living separately. The reason I got two brothers was so I know there was company for them. But now it's all gone wrong.
Please help.
Thank you
Hi and welcome!

I am going to move your thread to our behaviour section.

Sadly, it is a breeders' myth that two brothers will not fall out; they are equally likely to as any other same age boar pair. The key to a stable boar bond is character compatibility.

Keep them next to each other so they can still interact through the bars. They still need the interaction.

There is a small chance that they will get back together as hormonally settled adults or at least share lawn/roaming time, but chances are rather not, so don't get your hopes up too much. I would not try re-intros anytime soon considering how shaken up both them are right now - it is bound to go wrong.
Thanks for that. I have a cage with upstairs downstairs, they can't see each other but definitely smell and hear each other. Would this be ok or they physically need to see each other?
Hi there, sorry to hear that they have fallen out, i know how distressing it is. It is Ok for a temporary measure for them to be separated out of sight but they will become very lonely/depressed if they are kept out of sight of another piggy permanently :(
Mmm just what I suspected. Thanks for reply. You can't win lol together they fight. Seperate they depressed:( ok I will look into get a hutch so they can face each other
I am in the same position, i have a failed trio, I have Jack in a run alongside Pumpkin and Boo for floor time or grass time so he has some daily interaction. I need to get him a friend but currently Pumpkin has mites so we are in quarentine....and my dog has been/is ill and i have not had time/capacity to sort out a friend for him :(
Oh dear, I want to introduce new ones to them but what's to say they won't get on :(
Boar dating wow how does that work
You take your boar to the rescue and they introduce him to a boar. If they get on they try to bond them. Once bonded you can take them home. If they do not get on then they try another boar. It is the best way to find a guinea pig a friend as they are choosing the piggy themselves.
An experienced forum member was going to help Jack find a friend but my dog's illness got in way of me sortingt out. Dog is hopefully on the mend but now on medication that makes him incontinent *SIGH* its hard work :( feel dreadful that Jack is still on his own though he does enjoy side by side interaction :-)
Hi there,
I have two male guinea pigs 7 months old. Very happy together, the shy one was the dominant one. However yesterday the less dominant started attacking the dominat one who's is now scratched bruised and scared. I have separated them for there own saftey. I'm assuming there hormones going mad or something. Will they ever grow out of it, or is that it? Also will they be ok living separately. The reason I got two brothers was so I know there was company for them. But now it's all gone wrong.
Please help.
Thank you
same this happened with me. have one guinea pig who is around 1 year or younger, and then another guinea pig who is 20 weeks old. they are both boys, thought it would be company for them, but they are still having fights. Have started a conversation on here about it, sorry cannot help any more.
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