Help Needed - Boar Trouble

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Junior Guinea Pig
Mar 17, 2016
Reaction score
i got my boars halfway through february when they were 10 weeks old. at first they were kept in a tiny pet shop cage but i soon got a huge c and c cage that i think is bigger than it needs to be for 2 boars. theyve never had anymore more serious that rumble strutting or some annoyed little sqeaks when they want the same piece of round lettuce.
just 10 minutes ago i saw they having some trouble with eachother in one of the hidies with alot of noise. when i got close to the cage the more skittish pig ran away but they both continues to chat their teeth really loudly for minutes afterwards. i stayed with them during this just incase.
do i seperate them? i became aware of the risks of raising boars a few weeks ago and ive been terrifyed they would fight as they got older. its not too serious and the chattering has stopped completely but I'm scared that when i leave them to it they will fight. what do i do? if i seperate them they will only get 2x2 cc cage with a 1x1 addition to it each. help is needed urgently! :(
they didnt stop chattering. when they are close they do it more. the skittish pig when to the top tier though and my other pig wont use the ladder so its stopped for now.
this is the cage by the way.

Try not to worry. I wouldn't separate unless there was blood drawn or serious risk of injury. Once they are separated it's much harder to get them back together again so it's often best just to let them work it out themselves unless injury is likely.

Your boys are just reaching their hormonal teenage months and it is likely that there will be a bit more arguing and squabbling as they settle who's boss and this may well change on a daily/hourly basis at this time!

Your cage looks fine, just make sure that all hideys etc have two exits so there's no chance of them 'cornering' each other and there's always an escape route. Two food bowls and water bottles will help avoid squabbles over these too.

If fighting does escalate and get serious then please don't use your hands to separate, use a dustpan or similar to avoid accidental bites to you..

Try looking at these threads for some insight as to what's going on right now and what to watch for...
Boars: Bullying, Fighting, Fall-outs And What Next?
Dominance Behaviours In Guinea Pigs
Boars: A guide to successful companionship.
Couldn't have put it better than @MerryPip
Keeping them together is a much better idea. They've got a lot to work out while they're in their hormonal "teenage" years.

Also, love the cage set up :nod:
Your boys have obviously hit the teenage stage, but there are not yet at the stage where they are ready to fight. I would howver echo @MerryPip's advice to replace any single door hideys with two exit hideys to remove potential flashpoints for figh, i.e. when one boar is feeling cornered.
thanks everyone. when i got home today and gave them their pellets they seemed fine eating together. i usually have more hidies that are squishy tunnels but they got soiled so are being washed right now. the hidie in the picture is usually with my chinchilla.
thanks everyone. when i got home today and gave them their pellets they seemed fine eating together. i usually have more hidies that are squishy tunnels but they got soiled so are being washed right now. the hidie in the picture is usually with my chinchilla.

You can always fashion temporary hideys out of cardboard boxes or use cheap children's plastic stools. ;)
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