Help Name Me!


New Born Pup
Mar 6, 2018
Reaction score
We went boar speed dating this afternoon and need help naming our new adopted boar!

He came with the name Robin but we aren't keen on the name.

He's a very cheeky little boar and seems like a good match for out existing boar Herbie robin-1_orig.webp MVIMG_20180306_155339.webp
Aww he’s so cute! No name ideas I’m afraid - I’m sure something will just appear and stick!
He's gorgeous - Harry jumped into my head! Must be something to do with the red headed prince that's been in the news a lot recently!
He’s so cute :love: hmmmmppphhhh!

Pip! He has a cute little pip on his forehead.

or Sprout. Herbie & Sprout sounds cute together.

He’s just lovely I hope he settles in quickly x
thank you for all your replies we are still dithering over naming him. Herbie is a difficult boar to bond he thinks he's Mr Alpha but then is sad when he's on his own. No winning with him but tentatively so far so good.

Although Herbie wasnt thrilled about sharing his broccoli with him this morning


Excuse the poops they have been making quite the mess getting to know eachother!
Sooooo beautiful! Hope it is the start of a beautiful friendship!