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Help my piggy with head tilt please


New Born Pup
Mar 3, 2022
Reaction score
North Carolina
My piggy and my absolute best friend has suddenly got a bad head tilt. I've been to the vet three times. The last time was an emergency vet in the middle of the night that gave me antibiotics for a week and some pain med and something for nausea. Costing me over $300 and a week later she ran out of mess. Now 2 and half weeks later and she is still not better. She is eating and drinking but still in pain and I'm broke. I don't know what to do but we need help. Any advice. Please.
My piggy and my absolute best friend has suddenly got a bad head tilt. I've been to the vet three times. The last time was an emergency vet in the middle of the night that gave me antibiotics for a week and some pain med and something for nausea. Costing me over $300 and a week later she ran out of mess. Now 2 and half weeks later and she is still not better. She is eating and drinking but still in pain and I'm broke. I don't know what to do but we need help. Any advice. Please.

Hi and welcome

I am very sorry; you are obviously a very caring owner.

As your piggy has not reacted to a course of antibiotics and you are in the USA, could your piggy be suffering from CBS (calcified bulla syndrome)?
Here is our information on this newly identified health issue but the thead also contains information on other possible neurological causes.
CBS (Calcified Bulla Syndrome) and Neurological Problems - Symptoms and Care
I’m so sry to hear your piggy isn’t feeling well? Could it possibly an ear infection? Pls update us! Good luck!
Have his eyes checked and very gently tap the face just under they eye to check for a blink reflex. This often get diagnosed as an ear infection but it rarely is. Much more often it is is to do with a neuro issue causing eyesight loss. I have linked to you tube a video from scottys animals (LAGPR) and if you look for Saskia from LA Guinea Pig Rescue on there she has also done some very informative videos on head tilt. As Wiebke says also very possibly couldbe CBS. if you check the blink reflex and he does not blink, it means he cannot feel you tapping his face, if you can then give this info to your vet they will be more informed for a diagnosis. I hope he is ok.