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Help my little babes get back to health! - Ringworm, extra care?


New Born Pup
Oct 8, 2023
Reaction score
United States
Hello! I have two male guinea pigs, both are Skinny pigs! Nas (black) and Pinky (pink and black)

A couple of months ago, I noticed a red-soreish bump on Nas's back. He was nonstop itching, and looked as if he was staring into space a lot. He would eat, but would be too distracted by the itching. As dark as Nas is, I was able to notice patches of what looks like dryer skin, but they were paler, and more white- out of the ordinary looking. Keep in mind, not opaque white, but against black it looked like dry skin, or a lighter gray peach fuzz.

I took them both to the vet, thinking it was the kind of mites that live in skin :(

The vet did a skin scrape, and gave them both a round of Revolution.
I gave them medicine for 5 days, and two weeks later Nas was positive for Ringworm-- Pinky was negative. this medicine was:

They gave me more medicine to give them everyday for 7 days, then off for 7 days, then on again another 7 days. - This medicine was: Intrafungol

Its been a total of 3 weeks since the vet visit. his red bump cleared within a week, and they both overall seemed way less itchy. Pinky is still going strong- I guess he is a tank.

Nas, although his red bumped cleared--I believe the number of lighter skin patches on his shoulder blades are growing. After the first week on this medicine, they were less itchy, but now, two weeks later-- they're still itching to what I believe is a little more than unusual-- definitely not as bad at they were before.

Does anyone else know about the dryer skin, lighter patches possibly from scratching? or just any of this at all?
If you are concerned the best thing is to go back to the vet for another check. We can’t know from a written description what may be going on.

Were you also carrying out full disinfection of the enclosure?
Ringworm spores live in the environment for up to two years so you need to make sure everything is either thoroughly cleaned and disinfected ideally using F10 (a vet grade disinfectant which kills ringworm) or thrown away if it can be cleaned. If spores remain in the environment then it can cause a reinfection.

This is our ringworm guide which will help you also

Ringworm: Hygiene, Care And Pictures
Hello, Thank you so much for your response.

I checked out the link and will purchase F10.

How often should I use that and clean their cage? what is too little and what is too much?
Is there a brand of F10 you trust?

I found this product with great reviews on Amazon, but I cannot find anything that specifically says "safe for guineas." Almost every review was for reptile cages... but every review was 5/5 stars.



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Yes that looks to be the one.
You don’t want the one that says for reptiles or birds.
There is a ready to use version and a concentrate which you then dilute to different strengths depending on what it is needed for (the strongest strength being needed for dealing with ringworm).

The instructions are on the bottle and our guide also explains the cleaning schedule when dealing with ringworm.
Thank you so much for that info. This is the best place for resources! I appreciate your help

Unfortunately, F10 is not available to be sold or shipped anywhere in the US. Currently asking my vet for guidance on what to use to disinfect.
As per the guide Virkon is a worldwide product which can be used.
Bleach will have to do but it isn’t a surefire disinfection method against ringworm unfortunately.
Hello I'm back again!
as a refresher I brought my 2 skinny pigs to vet because they were both itching EXCESSIVELY. It was really scaring me.

2 skinny pigs, 1 diagnosed with ringworm, the other tested negative. Both are getting same fungal treatment/care/etc.

Vet gave them both one round of Evoltuion, and Intrafungal meds for 1 week on, 1 week off (where we are now) and another week on.

The one without ringworm has significantly decreased itching. and no signs of ringworm.
The one diagnosed with ringworm, was a little else itchy after the Evolution dose. But it's been 4 weeks, and his back fuzz looks patchy with whiter fuzz, (he is black) and he is constantly scratching and itching again. Necks, ears, back, legs. I could be over thinking it, but he seems to eat slower than before. He still eats, and is as active as he's been before. One again, could just be paranoid but he seems.. as spacey or zoned out as he did before, one of the top reasons for bringing him into the vet, besides the NONSTOP itching. Without using the emotional stuff as a diagnosis (I Know yall cant diagnose!) But am I crazy for thinking this might not be ringworm?

I am very unexperienced, and probably uneducated. BUT, I have done probably 6 hours of research at this point and the lat few days I've just been so paranoid. I did a heavy disinfecting of their entire cage, in fact I put them in their temporary cage. Deep cleaned all bedding. Unfortunately F10 cant be shipped in US.

He def has what looks like a skin infection? but He has no rings, flakyness, or nothing around his eyes. (neither does his cagemate, his cage mates skin looks beautiful) His look drier for sure. Not flaky but dry.

Should I ask for another round of Evolution? Does his skin problem sound like something else? I'm not looking for a diagnosis, I'm just wondering if there is something other than just ringworm?
They both came back negative for mites....

ahhh its so hard watching him itch this much. :( He is the one who likes to pay and explore, so I can definitely notice when he feels uncomfortable like this :(
Here are some pictures of my boy! He is itching a lot on his back, ears, head.


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