Help! My Guinea Pigs Won't Drink From Their Bottle!?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Apr 2, 2014
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I got my two guinea pigs from their ex-owner on Sunday and I gave them a normal guinea pig water bottle with fresh water in and whenever i see it, i swear they haven't had any to drink! if they have, it must have been a small amount. i am very worried and for quite a while now i have been trying to get them to drink, Casper has nearly got the hang of it but the other one is having none of it! he has licked up the water that i guided into his mouth but thats about it! please help by giving me some tips, thanks! they have been having plenty of juicy veggies so they have been consuming some liquid... :help::bye:
i need to give them a bowl of water and see if thats what they are used to, however i still would lke to get them to drink out of a bottle!
Try tapping the nozzle of the bottle to show them that that is where the water comes from? Sorry, not really sure what else you can do!
I have 2 groups of piggies & the group of 4 will drink about 1/4 to 1/2 a small bottle a day but the group of 3 hardly touch. If you're feeding them plenty of veggies then they could be getting enough water in them. You could try a bowl but I've never had a guinea pig drink from a bowl.
Worth checking as you have mentioned if they were used to bowl or bottle - Some piggies are not big drinkers and get all the water they need from wet veggies, our first two piggies rarely drank from the bottle. We always soak our veggies before feeding so if you are concerned make sure you veggies are wet. I am sure he will soon get used to the bottle especially watching his friend have a drink.
My youngster doesn't seem to be drinking from his bottle at all either. However he has been peeing all over his hutch since he arrived so I'm assuming he's getting enough water from his fresh food. I'm sure yours are the same as long as they are peeing.
Neither of mine will drink from a bottle either - so they have a bowl. It's high maintenance though - always has hay or poo in! ;)
Do not worry! The 5 piggies I had when I was younger I'm sure they never drank their water or they had the tiniest bit.
We always made sure they had a bottle and bowl of water available at all times but we would give them a lot of veg and grass for them to get their water from so they didn't get dehydrated.
Every Guinea Pig is different, my Cookie & Cream have a lot of veg but will still drink a lot haha
I got my two guinea pigs from their ex-owner on Sunday and I gave them a normal guinea pig water bottle with fresh water in and whenever i see it, i swear they haven't had any to drink! if they have, it must have been a small amount. i am very worried and for quite a while now i have been trying to get them to drink, Casper has nearly got the hang of it but the other one is having none of it! he has licked up the water that i guided into his mouth but thats about it! please help by giving me some tips, thanks! they have been having plenty of juicy veggies so they have been consuming some liquid... :help::bye:
If you are worried about them not having any water then you could try syringe feeding them- all you have to do is fill a syringe full of water and gently put it in their mouth and push the water in hopefully they will take it and very soon you will be introduce them to your water bottle. Hope this helps.
I have 5 piggys and have only seen 2 of them drink once! lots of wee though so wet veggies must be all mine require
I haven't seen my two drink from the bottle, so as advised i put in a bowl and put some veg in it, i have seen them get the veg but not actually drink yet, as they are now almost 13wks old i'm banking on the thought that they're not thick and know if they need water or not :D
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